Mining Drill - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Mining Drill, a new tool added by IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), is an Electric Version of a Pickaxe and Shovel combined. Crafted using 5 Refined Iron Ingots, a RE-Battery and an Electronic Circuit, is a very good starting tool. The Mining Drill, being an Electric Tool, doesn't break.

The Mining Drill is charged off EU (Energy Units), and is a "Tier 1" tool, meaning it can be powered by a Batbox and above. Batpacks will also charge the Mining Drill, along with any other charging utility equipped. The Mining Drill has a use in the Miner, and is used to craft the Diamond Drill.

The Mining Drill can also be enchanted with various enchantments to enhance is speed, lower its energy usage per operation, and other things of that sort. For more information, visit the Enchanting Page .