Ocean Generator - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
The Ocean Generator is a massive Water generator that requires an ocean-sized Water Pool to produce Energy.
Its area of work is 31x31x31 and the Generator is in the center of it at the bottom. At best conditions, it produces 100 EU/t.
Every obstacle has a direct effect on the power output. However, it's based of the size and the weight of the outer ring of water, so even if there is something big around the Generator it may have minimal effect on the output.
Since there is a so big of an area it works in, it checks and updates production really slowly.
- Production: 0-100 EU/t
- Internal Energy Buffer: 8000 EU
- Area Of Effect: 31x31x31
- Refresh Rate: 6000 Ticks (5 Minutes)
- Process Rate: 596 Ticks (~30 Seconds)