Debug Item (Admin) - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
The Debug Item from IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C) is meant for Admins; this page will not be helpful nor useful in the slightest of ways to Non-Modders
The Debug-Item is a creative only item which has 2 modes.
Interfaces & Fields
This mode shows you what Interfaces the Block you click on has and what fields they have (name and data).
If the Block also has a TileEntity then it will print also all the TileEntity Interfaces of that and also the fields that it has.
This data is not printed in the chat its printed into the logger of the game and it is mostly used for to check stuff for cross mod compat.
This mode gives you Special Information of your IC2 or IC2 supporting Blocks. Depending on what they are you get different information.
This data is printed into the mc chat so you see special information about these machines.
EnergyNet Shock Grids (1.7.10 only)
This mode shows you with the vanilla bounding boxes system where the energnet searches for shocking data for entities. Its the first try of the path rendering that the EU reader can do in 1.10.2 since that is more interesting info then shocking check it is no longer a thing in 1.10.2