Solar Turbine - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
The Solar Turbine is the Cheaper Upgrade from the Solar Panel compared to the LV Solar Panel.
Instead of Compacting your Solar Panels and getting effectivly Increasing Production on a Single Block,
the Turbine Upgrade is basicly adding a new Type of system into the Solar Panel.
Basicly the Solar Turbine combines Sun Heat + Water into steam which will be then turned into the power.
Turns the Solar Turbine in a more effective Power Generator without Exponentially increasing the cost.
Tier: Low Voltage (32EU)
Max Power Production: 10 EU/t
Effective EU over a day Night Cycle: 7.5 EU/t
Energy Storage: 100 EU
Heat Gain at daytime: 1% every 6 Seconds
Heat Drain at nighttime: 1% every 12 Seconds
Water Storage: 12 Buckets