Obscurator - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Obscurator is a Painting Tool that allows you to copy Textures from other Blocks.

It is made from 2 Stone Buttons, 2 Paintings, 1 Glass, 1 Piston, 1 Sticky Piston, 1 Energy Crystal and 1 Advanced Circuit.
When you Sneak Right Click on a Block then it will consume 10000 EU and create a Copy of that texture that you clicked on. It will copy up to a complexity of 10 Layers.
When you right click on a Construction Foam Block or on a Cable with CFoam on them it will automatically paste the Texture onto that, which uses 1500EU. It will be even shown on Waila & One Probe as these Blocks.
When you press Alt Key and then Right Click to paste the Texture it will try to paste them on all the Sides at once.
That will of course take 6 times the power.

When you Press the Mode Switch Key while Right Clicking the Obsurator it will Rotate the Texture by 90° allowing you to do Funky Stuff with textures.
If you sneak with the same actions it will switch between each layer which allows you to modify Each layer.

Just a warning this feature caused already a lot of Flame because people started to do RF Trolls with this kind of thing. Because it's so realistic.

The Obscurator can copy almost every Texture, there are of course some excusions.

  • Extra Utilities 2,
  • Any Texture that has Connected textures will have issue. (Unfixable)
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