Construction Foam (CF) - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

Construction Foam (CF for short) is a block that you can either place in the world by hand or use a CF Sprayer.
Once placed in the world CF will take time to harden. Or you can Right Click it with sand or wool to dry it instantly.
When using Wool it will turn into CF Wool which can still be painted but no texture can be applied to it.
When CF dries it counts as a solid block. CF also requires light to dry, the more light provided the faster it will dry.

While CF is wet you can pass though it and break it easily by hand. After CF dries it can be painted with a Painter and its texture can be changed into other blocks using the Obscurator.

CF Sprayers are more efficient and practical at making CF. CF be can crafted with clay dust, a water container (cell, bucket, or bottle), redstone and coal dust shapelessly and then placed in the world or can be sprayed on the ground (to create a 5x5 diamond pattern), on scaffold, or on iron scaffold to make reinforced stone. There are 2 sprayers. CF Sprayer and Electric CF Sprayer