Electric Enchanter - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Electric Enchanter is a Device to Enchant Electric Tools, but it also has the ability to enchant/anvil Normal Tools and Books. The Ability to Repair Items is not included in this machine. While Enchanting/Anviling it will use 500EU/t


Its Recipe is as Follows :



  • Enchanting Mode (Enchantment Table)
  • Anvil Mode (Anvil)

You can see which mode is the current one based off the item that is displayed at the top right corner of the GUI.

Enchanter Mode:

This mode allows you to Enchant Items which aren't enchanted already.
Like the normal Enchanting Table it will check for Bookshelves around it to define the Enchanting Level,
but the Electric Enchanter doesn't care if the Block between the bookshelves and it are empty or not.
To Enchant items you will need Books and Lapis, and with lapis you can define how many levels it will use to enchant items.
To define the Enchanting level, the Electric Enchanter will choose the lowest of these two values (Bookshelves & Lapis). Each Lapis in the Enchanter is 10 Levels worth, and can go up to levelf 30.
The amount of books in the top 3 Slots will define how many enchantments are being used. Each Book slot which is not empty counts for 1 Enchantment. When using Enchanted Books, it will apply those enchantments too, allowing you to get possibly more enchantments then those 3 slots could provide.

Anvil Mode:

The Anvil Mode allows you to Re-Enchant Items or apply Enchantments to Items that you specifically want without applying extra ones.
While that is a safer way to apply enchantments to your items it has a couple of downsids.
It usually costs more XP, and it also adds to your Repair counter which the anvil itself uses to to repair Items.
This makes the next repair/Enchantment you apply more Expensive.
This mode needs no lapis to Enchant things.

When you are about to start to Enchant an item the XP Cost will be displayed.
The cost in this is not Calculated in XP Levels, it is calculated in XP, meaning that you are able to save a ton of Experience by doing this.