Solar Helmets - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Solar Helmet is a portable Power Source for the Player to recharge Eqquipment on the Players Inventory.
When the Solar Helmet is equipped then it will continuously produce Energy while beeing in the skylight.
While skylight is required it does not matter which time of day/night it is it will contantly produce Energy.

When Equipped it will charge your Armor & if installed your Baubles Slots passivly.

There are two type of Solar Helmets:

  • Normal Solar Helmet: Which produces 1 EU/t
  • Advanced Solar Helmet: Which Produces 5 EU/t which is enough to constantly fly with a Jetpack.

There are no Compacted Solar Helmets in IC2Classic since these are way to overpowered.

Solar Helmets will not provide any type of protection against mobs/damage

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