Upgrade Kits - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
Upgrade kids are Upgrades that allow you to Upgrade Chargepads and some other Blocks.
To apply these kind of Upgrade just click the required Block.
Inventory gets saved and transfered over with the click,
but Inventory Upgrades and Comparator settings do not get saved. (So the items will be lost)
So keep that in mind.
Crystalizer Upgrade Kit
The Crystalizer Upgrade Kit is the upgrade-kit that upgrades the Static ChargePad to the Crystalizor ChargePad.
- Required Block to click: Static ChargePad.
Lapotronic Upgrade Kit
The Lapotronic Upgrade Kit is the upgrade-kit that upgrades the Crystalizor ChargePad to the Lapotronic ChargePad.
- Required Block to click: Crystalizor ChargePad
Fission Upgrade Kit
The Fission Upgrade Kit is the upgrade-kit that upgrades the Lapotronic ChargePad to the Fission ChargePad.
- Required Block to click: Lapotronic ChargePad
MFS Unit Upgrade Kit
The MFS Unit Upgrade Kit is a EnergyStorage upgrade that allows you to upgrade a MFE to the MFSU without requireing to dismantle the EnergyStorage.
- Required Block to click: MFE