Machine Tank - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Machine Tank, a recent addition to IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), is similar to the Machine Buffer, but for fluids instead of items.

The Machine Tank, crafted from 8 Glass surrounding a [Machine Buffer]], the Machine Tank has the same two buttons: Upgrade Tick, and Notify Processing with Upgrade Tick. The buttons perform the same task, as that the Upgrade Tick allows the machine buffer to update upgrades normally, so they act as if they were in a normal machine with upgrade ticks. While only upgrade ticking is enabled, machine tanks will not process notify. When a machine finishes a process it will automatically notify Machine Tanks and [Machine Buffers around it, which then will call a special upgrade which triggers upgrades once. With that, a step-based system, allowing you to synchronize machines, can be created. The Machine Tank will only process "one notify" per game tick, thus having more notifications at once per game tick will be merged, so multipliers for those game ticks don't exist. The Machine Tank also has redstone compatibility, and can turn the Tank off and on.

Different from the Machine Buffer, the Machine Tank has no inventory: Instead, it has a 64,000mb tank. The Tank is also multi-layered, which means that the tank can store up to 64,000 types of different fluids.

NERD NOTES: After 32,000 different fluids are stored in the tank, the Machine Tank will have issues with synchronizing. Although this is an issue, it is virtually impossible to have 32,000 different fluids stored without many other mods, and using an IC2C Machine Tank, which there are many other alternatives to storing fluids available.