Crafting Components - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
Here is a list of Items which are only used in Crafting and have no other use than that.
- Coal Dust
- Hydrated Coal Dust
- Clay Dust
- Obsidian Dust
- Small Pile of Iron Dust
- Netherrack Dust
- Charcoal Dust
- Hydrated Charcoal Dust
- Rare Earth Dust
- Compressed Air Cell
- H. Coal Cell
- Coalfuel Cell
- Bio Cell
- Biofuel Cell
- Electrolyzed Water Cell
- Fuel Cell
- Wood Gas Cell
- Plasma Cell
- Grin Powder
- Fertilizer
- Hops
- Coffee Beans
- Coffee Powder
- Tea Leaf
- Flour
- Overgrowth Fertilizer
- Uranium Ore
- Iridium Ore
- Scrap
- Scrap Metal
- UU-Matter
- Coal Ball
- Compressed Coal Ball
- Coal Chunk
- Industrial Diamond
- Raw Carbon Fibre
- Raw Carbon Mesh
- Carbon Plate
- Advanced Alloy
- Iridium Plate
- Dense Copper Plate
- Base Upgrade
- Rare Earth Chunk
- Dead Magnet
- Magnet
- Plasma Core
- Scrap Metal Chunk
- Scrap Metal Blade
- Raw Obsidian Blade
- Obsidian Blade
- Turbine Blade
- Plantball
- Compressed Plants
- H. Coal
- Organic Mesh
- Bio Ball
- Raw Bio Fiber
- Compressed Bio Ball
- Bio Chunk
- Painter
- TFBP - Empty
- TFBP Biome - Emtpy
- Rubber
- Electronic Circuit
- Advanced Circuit
- Tin Can
- Stone Mug
- CF Pellet