Page Index - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
2180 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Mod Categories
- Other Pages
- #Bast mod ever!!!!!!!
- $1000 Loot Hunt
- 'Merica BL2
- 'Merica TPS
- [(Sanity Check MKII (00TheMessiah00 remake)](/BLCM/ModCabinet/wiki/(Sanity-Check-MKII-(00TheMessiah00-remake))
- (WIP) Common and Rare weapon overhaul
- (WIP) Unique Parts
- 00Schmidt
- 10xLevelChals
- 1340Shield
- 15 min
- 319
- 420 BLAZE!!!!!!
- 4x Enemy Spawns
- 4xspawns
- 55tumbl
- 5xLevelChals
- 88 Fragnum
- 88.89% Less Luneshine
- 88_Fragnum
- 88FragnumMod
- [COM]MayaLegendaryFirefly
- [COM]MayaLegendaryMercenary
- [COM]MayaLegendaryPistolera
- [COM]MayaLegendaryPlaguebearer
- [COM]MayaLegendarySpecter
- [COM]MayaLegendaryStormbringer
- [COM]MayaLegendaryTormentor
- [COM]MayaLegendaryTrickster
- [COM]Zer0LegendaryPhantom
- [COM]Zer0LegendarySaboteur
- [COM]Zer0LegendaryVirus
- [WEAPON]Dahl PenetratorV2
- [WEAPON]Maliwan Tsunami
- A good mod
- A113V2
- Aaron0000
- aasFT
- About ModCabinet Wiki
- Abundant Generation
- Accreate Shotty Boolets
- AceKuper
- Acid_Rain
- Acid_Rainv2
- actual duels
- ActualizerV2
- AdBlocker 2000
- Add Dragon Keep "Alignment" Class Mods to Global and Rare Drop Pool
- Adds Grenade Damage to Cobra
- Adds Grenade Damage to Lil Evie
- Adds Grenade Damage to Slow Hand
- Adds Grenade Damage to The Seeker
- Adrenaline Rush
- Advancer
- Aegrus Not So Rare Monsters
- Aequitas
- AestheticStocks
- Agility Relics
- AGLLoader
- Agony
- Ahab
- Aid Station
- Air Strike
- Ajax
- Ajax Ogre
- AK 12
- AK 47
- Akathris
- Alex
- All Enemies Respawn
- all shield parts
- Allegiance Class Mods
- allfremington_5 1 2mingamestage
- Allocated Steel (Sawbar)
- AllorNothing
- Always Active Friendship Gulag Searchlights
- Always Elemental Sandhawk
- Always Visible Urine
- AlwaysPrefix
- Amaterasu
- AmericanPatriot
- Ammo Mod 1.1 BL2
- Ammo Mod 1.1 TPS
- Ammo Regen Accessories
- AmNewDontBooly
- AmpRoid
- Anaconda by Aaron0000
- Anaconda by Kazy
- Anarchy
- Anarchy Rework
- Anarchy[Tattler Replacement]
- Ancient (Pitchfork Replacer)
- Anemia
- Anemone Fast Travels
- AngrierPat
- Annunaki
- Another Spiker Mod V1.0c by Orudeon
- Antagonist
- Antagonist_Slag_Icon
- AntiAirFix
- antibar
- Antique Ballbuster
- Apocalyptech
- apple1417
- Apyr
- Arcania
- Arena Overhauls
- Aries BL2
- Aries TPS
- Armored Deathtrap
- ARPG Style Loot Beams
- Arrowstorm Dispenser 1.7.10
- Assassin_Railgun
- Assault Shotguns BL2
- Assault Shotguns TPS
- Aster
- Astor
- Atlas 20mm (Call of duty Advanced Warfare Weapon)
- Atlas AllegianceCOMs Fix
- Atlas Reborn BL2
- Atlas Reborn TPS
- AtomicMortar
- AttributePresentationSlots.txt
- Aurel
- Aurelia Cold as Ice in FFYL v1.0.0
- Auto booster v2
- Auto Sprint
- Auto Trash Favorite Items
- AutoPickerUpper
- AutumnWitch
- Avelyn
- Avenger
- Averse Collaboration Elemental Hyperion Shotgun
- Axton the War Priest
- AxtonSaboteur
- AxxroyTovu
- azakhi
- B0re Shield Bypass
- BabyMakerSpam
- Backbone of the Seraphs
- Backdraft
- Backhand BL2
- Backhand TPS
- Bad_&_Good_Touch_Rarity
- Badass Rank Buff for Sabre Turret and Deathtrap
- Badass Rounds Deputy's V.Grip ++ Badge
- BadassasaurusRex
- Badassify v2.1
- Baiterlands
- Banana Cannon
- Bandit Brand Tweaks by Orudeon French Add On v1.0.1
- Bandit Brand Tweaks V1.21 by Orudeon
- Bandit Skins V1
- Bandit_Nasty_Surprise
- Bank & Backpack Space Activator (Part 1)
- Bank & Backpack Space Customizer (Part 2)
- BAR Modifications v2.fuk me
- BaronofHell
- Barrels 2 Vending machines
- Bastard BL2
- Bastard TPS
- BatManisgood
- Battle Bee
- Battlefront
- Bayonet Enhancements V1.6 by Orudeon
- BBBBAutoPickUp
- BeamFix
- Bearcat
- BeatrixV4
- Beckett
- Beckett's' Flame Cannon
- Bedrum
- Bee Themed Bee
- beeholder
- bekah
- bekahmidas
- benwaV2
- Berrigan
- berylmantra
- Bessie by Kazy
- bessie by MegaCyber151
- Better Aggression Relics
- Better Assault Rifles
- Better Bones
- Better Chubby Loot
- Better E Tech Pistols
- Better Enemy Shields [FilterTool]
- Better Grenades (from BetterGrenades v2.1.txt)
- Better Grenades (from BetterGrenadeTweaks.txt)
- Better Handling Moon Buggy
- Better Marek's Mouth
- Better Mysterious Amulet by Aaron0000 French Add On v1.0.0
- Better Progression In Digistruct Peak
- Better Quests
- Better Sanctuary Shooting Range Version 1.2
- Better Sights and Stocks BL2
- Better Sights and Stocks TPS
- Better Slot Machines
- Better SMGs
- Better Splatguns V1.4c by Orudeon
- Better Vehicles
- Better Vendors
- BetterBlackHoleAndImpaler
- BetterMysteriousAmulet
- Bianca
- Big Standard Gear Reskin Pack
- BigBoomBlaster
- Bigger is not always better
- BigLands
- Billionaire v2
- Biorespawn's Maya Rework
- birdCF
- birdFF
- BitchSlayer9000
- BL1 Chest Farm Recreation
- BL1 Colors
- BL1 Enhanced Legendary Gun Ports by Aaron0000
- BL1 Enhanced Legendary Gun Ports by Astor
- BL1 Scaling BL2
- BL1 Scaling TPS
- BL1 Style Classic Jakob ShotgunsV1
- BL1 Style Rarity
- BL1 Vendors
- BL10
- BL1_Boundary_Turrets
- BL1Loot
- BL1V1
- BL2 Audio and Visual: Audio Changes
- BL2 Audio and Visual: Character Visuals
- BL2 Audio and Visual: Enemy Visuals
- BL2 Audio and Visual: General A V Settings
- BL2 Audio and Visual: Text Changes
- BL2 Audio and Visual: Weapon and Gear Visuals
- BL2 Better Loot Mod
- BL2 Characters and Skills: Axton Changes
- BL2 Characters and Skills: Full Character Overhauls
- BL2 Characters and Skills: Gaige Changes
- BL2 Characters and Skills: Krieg Changes
- BL2 Characters and Skills: Maya Changes
- BL2 Characters and Skills: Other Character Changes
- BL2 Characters and Skills: Salvador Changes
- BL2 Characters and Skills: Skill System Changes
- BL2 Characters and Skills: Zer0 Changes
- BL2 Cold Dead Hands
- BL2 Configurable Slot Machines
- BL2 Container TimeSaver XL
- BL2 Early Bloomer
- BL2 Enemies: Enemy Changes
- BL2 Enemies: Enemy Spawns
- BL2 Expanded Legendary Pools
- BL2 Farming and Looting: Chest and Container Changes
- BL2 Farming and Looting: Enemy Drop Changes
- BL2 Farming and Looting: Loot System Overhauls
- BL2 Farming and Looting: Other Loot Sources
- BL2 Farming and Looting: Quest Rewards
- BL2 Farming and Looting: Slot Machines
- BL2 Farming and Looting: Vending Machines
- BL2 Fast Travel TimeSaver XL
- BL2 Faster Rockets and Gyrojets
- BL2 General Gameplay and Balance: Currencies
- BL2 General Gameplay and Balance: Elements and Damage Types
- BL2 General Gameplay and Balance: Game Mode Balance
- BL2 General Gameplay and Balance: Other Gameplay Changes
- BL2 General Gameplay and Balance: Quest Changes
- BL2 General Gameplay and Balance: Scaling Changes
- BL2 Happy Horizontal People Transporter
- BL2 Hybrids
- BL2 Improved Hyperion Stabilizers
- BL2 Invulnerable Escortees
- BL2 Major Overhauls and Mod Packs
- BL2 Maps and Public Transport: Fast Travel
- BL2 Maps and Public Transport: Map Alterations
- BL2 Maps and Public Transport: Vehicles
- BL2 Mega TimeSaver XL
- BL2 Movement Speed Cheats
- BL2 No Wasted COMs
- BL2 Ogre
- BL2 Other: Bugfixes
- BL2 Other: Cheat Mods
- BL2 Other: Joke Mods
- BL2 Other: Mod Packs
- BL2 Other: Resource Mods
- BL2 Other: Translations
- BL2 Quality of Life: General QoL
- BL2 Quality of Life: Inventory Bank Changes
- BL2 Quality of Life: UI QoL Changes
- BL2 Sorted Fast Travel
- BL2 Style Skill Trees
- BL2 Weapons Gear: Assault Rifles
- BL2 Weapons Gear: Brand Overhauls
- BL2 Weapons Gear: COMs
- BL2 Weapons Gear: General
- BL2 Weapons Gear: Grenade Mods
- BL2 Weapons Gear: Packs
- BL2 Weapons Gear: Pistols
- BL2 Weapons Gear: Relics
- BL2 Weapons Gear: Rocket Launchers
- BL2 Weapons Gear: Shields
- BL2 Weapons Gear: Shotguns
- BL2 Weapons Gear: SMGs
- BL2 Weapons Gear: Sniper Rifles
- BL2:Wonderlands
- BL2_Chulainn
- BL2_Emperor
- BL2_Gub
- BL2_Gunerang
- BL2_Gwens_Head
- BL2_Interfacer
- BL2_Landscaper
- BL2_Love_Thumper
- BL2_Norfleet
- BL2_Shields_Names
- BL2_Shredifier
- BL2_Sloth
- BL2_Thunderball_Fists
- BL2_Veruc
- BL2_Weapons
- BL2VaultHunterGunPack
- Black Hole & SuperNova On Steroids v1.0.0
- Black Widow
- BlackDoveFF
- BLassic Krieg COM Roid Damage Nerf Compatibility Patches for COM Mods
- BLassic Mode
- Blight Phoenix
- Blockade BL2
- Blockade TPS
- Blockier
- Blocking Door Removal
- Blood of terramorphous rework
- Blood Twitch
- BloodEuphoria(hotfix)
- Bloodlust
- Bloodwing
- Blowjobs
- Blue Bomber Bearcat Reskin by SentySent
- Blue Rarity Vladof Gun Skin Tweaks
- Bluebird
- Blunderbuss by Juso
- Blunderbuss by SmotPokin42000
- Bombardment
- Bone
- Bone Shredder Very Rare Tediore SMG
- Bone Shredder Buff
- Bonerfart Quest Fix
- bonerfarts
- BonusPackage
- Boom Puppy Buff
- Boomacorn
- Booperlands
- Booster Shields Auto Pick Up v1.0.1
- BootsOfHaste
- Border Disputes
- Borderlands 2
- Borderlands 2 Item Ports
- Borderlands HUD Remover BL2
- Borderlands HUD Remover TPS
- Borderlands HUD Shifter BL2
- Borderlands HUD Shifter TPS
- Boss Rush
- BossNova
- Brasil
- Breath_&_Blood_of_Terra_Rarity
- Breathing
- BreathOfTerra
- Brendah
- Brick
- BrightSpadroon
- brokeninfinityV3
- Broomstick
- Buff Rational Anarchist
- Buff Vulcano Fix v1.0.0
- buffedscorpio
- BuggyReplace
- Bull
- Bullpup
- BunnyRain
- Burst Fire Rockets BL2
- Burst Fire Rockets TPS
- Business Maker
- Buster Carbine
- Butcher
- ButcherRocketJump
- ButtStallion
- Caldarius
- candy
- CandyBag
- Candylands
- CandySaver
- Capacitor
- CarAnywhere BL2
- CarAnywhere TPS
- Carnage
- Carnage Tunguska Reskin by SentySent
- Carpet Cleaner
- Cat o' Nine Tails
- CatapultFirst
- Celestial Aristocrat
- Celestial Blademaster
- Celestial Brotrap
- Celestial Huntress
- Celestial Ice Goddess
- Celestial Roboninja
- Celestial S4P TP
- Celestial Subroutine
- CH3M X
- Chain Reaction Mod 1.0
- ChainLightning
- Challenge Revamp
- Chancellor
- Changeable Peak
- ChaoticNeutralRelic
- ChaoticTeams (from ChaoticTeams v2.0.txt)
- ChaoticTeams (from ChaoticTeams.txt)
- Character Commands
- Cheaper Black Market
- Cheaper Gambling
- Cheat Code
- Cheater
- Checometer
- ChimeraV2
- Chomp
- Chopper
- Chopper style CHOPPER
- chopperhopper
- Christmas Fast Travel Fix
- christmas_in_borderlands_
- Chroma
- Chronicler'sColdFront
- Chubbies rename
- Class Mod Overhaul
- Class Mod Usability
- Class Mods Redux
- Classic Sledge's Shotgun BL2
- Classic Sledge's Shotgun TPS
- CleanButcher
- Cleaner Maya visuals
- CleanInterfacer
- CleanLadyFist
- cleanscreens
- Cleaver
- Cleric Class Mod Buff 1.0
- Clipper BL2
- Clipper TPS
- Cloud Kill Dynamic Nerf
- CMD_Obvious
- Cobra in Torgue Machine
- Cobra Plus
- Coleby
- Collaboration
- Colored_Fibber_Barrels BL2
- Colored_Fibber_Barrels TPS
- ColorfulButcher
- ColorfulInterfacer
- Combat Plus
- ComeAtMeBro +
- ComeAtMeBro(Extreme)(hotfix)
- ComeAtMeBro(hotfix)
- Commander Lilith DLC Gear Tweaks
- Commando, Scorpio replacement
- Commando2
- CommandoRELIC
- Community Day Enemies
- Community Patch
- Community Patch Team
- COMOverhaulPack
- Compact Sanctuary
- Company Man
- Compensator
- Complete Loot Overhaul 2
- Conference_Call
- Configurable Catch A Ride
- Configurable Vehicles
- Conflagration
- Constant Reaper
- Continuous amp drain
- Contributing to ModCabinet
- Cooking Up Trouble Change
- Correct E Tech Launcher Material.
- CorrosiveFOTFH
- CorrosiveThumper
- Court of Dreams
- Court of Nightmares
- CrackedSash
- CrappyFarter
- CrisisManagement
- Crossbow
- Crossfire_Fuse_Time
- Crusher
- Crux
- Crux Replaces Dog
- Cryo Element
- Cryo Grenades
- Cupid Mode
- Custom Fast Travel Farms
- Customizable Boosted Characters
- Customizable Player Audio Muter
- Customizable Player Audio Muter TPS
- Customization COMs
- Cyber Eagle
- Cyborg
- Cyclops (Stomper)
- CzRSpecV
- D BFG 15k
- Daemic (Corrosive)
- Daemic (Fire)
- Daemic (Shock)
- Daemic MkII
- Daenllander
- dagossj999
- Dahl Brand Tweaks V1.2 by Orudeon
- DAHL Earth Alliance
- Dahl Shotgun Snipers
- Dahl Skins V3
- Dahl SMG scope perfect clarity
- dahlmBUFF
- DAHLSilver
- Dalek
- Dalekin31
- Dark Magic (SDK)
- Dark Magic (Text)
- Dark Phoenix (Sandhawk)
- Darkdemon8910
- DarkFirePVP
- darkpouetman
- Darlin' BL2
- Darlin' TPS
- Darwin
- DaShiku
- Dashiku
- Dashiku's Arsenal
- Dave
- Davud
- DBSR 50
- Deadly Bloom Legendary Fix v1.0.1
- DeadlyBloomSupernova
- Death From Above Buff
- DeathBlossom +
- Deathless
- DeathTrap benefits from various skills
- Deathtrap in FFYL v1.0.0
- DeBanditized Bitch Reskin by SentySent
- Decepti0n
- DecimatorV4
- Default Deathtrap Appearance
- Defender by Kazy
- Defender by Tsunami
- Defense Boosting Assault Rifle Accessory BL2
- Defense Boosting Assault Rifle Accessory TPS
- Defiler TPS
- Defiler by Aaron0000 BL2
- Defiler by Juso BL2
- Deliverence Alternative
- Demon
- Demon's_Bow
- derptrap
- Desert Rose (Pimpernel Maliwan reskin)
- Destroifier
- Destroyer BL2
- Destroyer TPS
- Destruction
- Devastator
- Devastator Fix
- DevastatorRedone
- DexiEridiumFix
- Dialog Remover
- Disable Pickup Equip and Down Suicide
- Disable_Boundary_Turrets BL2
- Disable_Boundary_Turrets TPS
- Discipline
- Disclaimer
- DiseaseDarts
- Divergence (1340 Shield Replacer)
- Divider
- Doctor
- Dominator
- Dont Shoot Him
- DoT Presentation Renames
- Double Anarchy BL2
- Double Anarchy TPS
- double auto pickup range
- Double Quest Rewards v1.0.0
- Double Quests Rewards Redux v1.0.7
- DoubleUVHMxp
- Dove by EdamameTV
- Dove by Kazy
- Dr Dapper
- Dr Zed E Tech Geek
- Draco BL2
- Draco TPS
- Dracula
- Dragunov
- DrBones
- Dripper
- Drops_Modifier
- Duel
- Duke3DDevastatorV3
- Dull Squadspoon
- Dyn O' mite
- E tech AR Buff
- E.S.S.H.A.B.S.M
- Earlier Missions
- Easier ECLIPSE and EOS
- EasierEarlyGameExperience
- Echelon
- ECHO Sorter
- EchoingZen
- Economy Fixes & Improvements
- Economy Fixes & Improvements TPS
- EdamameTV
- Edvartsen
- Electrical Burn Buff
- Electro
- ElectroGun
- Electrum
- Elegance
- Elemental Banshee Maya
- Elemental Heartbreakers
- Elemental Resistance Shield Glows
- ElementalHornets
- ElementalLascaux
- Elephant Gun
- Elfy
- Elysium
- EmpireScum
- Enemy Object Derandomizer
- Enemy Bullets
- Enemy lootpool adjuster
- Enemy name fixer
- Enemy Regen
- Enemy_Randomizer
- Entendre
- Equal Sniper Zoom
- Eraser V3
- ErnestV2
- ErrorCode
- Ersatz
- eTech Infinity
- Ethel
- EtP(hotfix)
- Evanito
- Evergreen
- EveryLoot
- evilbane
- EvilSmasher2
- Evolution BL2
- Evolution TPS
- Excalibastard Boosted Melee
- Executioner by EdamameTV
- Executioner by Kazy
- Executioner by Malafolf Mom
- Exodus Item Part Notifier v1.1.2
- Exotek
- EXP+ BL2
- Exp++
- expletivedeleted
- Explodinator
- EZAmmoVendors
- Ezeith
- FabledSaiko
- Facade
- Face puncher
- FalconFF
- Fallen King (Scorpio reskin)
- Fangs of Terra
- Farmfest
- FarmHouse 2 NSA
- Farming Uranus Version 1.1
- Fast Talker
- Fast Travel Helper
- Fast Travel Portal Disabler BL2
- Fast Travel Portal Disabler TPS
- Fast_Travels (All One Way)
- Fast_Travels (Boss Farming)
- Fast_Travels2
- Fastball BL2
- Fastball TPS
- Fastball Launcher
- Faster Kraggon Splits
- Faster Runner MG
- Fatal Attraction
- FataleFix
- Felicity's Shotgun
- FelicityBlastTurret
- Feral Rage (Order)
- FFS Dialog Remover
- FFS Eridium Item pickup Fix
- FFYLaim
- FFYLTurret(hotfix)
- Fight_for_Sanctuary_Weapons
- Filled to the Brim
- Final Judgement
- Fire Bee With Them
- Fireball
- Fireballer MKII
- FireBee
- Firecracker
- Firehawk by Aaron0000
- Firehawk by EdamameTV
- Firestarter
- FireStorm
- FireThumper
- Firing Range Vendors
- FiringMode Free er Upper
- FiringPatternFix
- FistFulOfHurt +
- Fixed Mission Items
- Flakker
- FlameFlare(Hotfix)
- FlameOfTheFirehawk
- flamethrower by ozay3444
- FlameThrower by Tsunami
- Florentine 2.0
- Forkinator
- Fortis
- FOTFSkin
- Fragile Minecraft Blocks
- Free Insperation
- Free Raid Boss Cost
- Freya
- Fridgia
- Friendly Fire
- FriendlyAoN
- FromDarkHell
- Frostfire
- fuckreloadmessages
- Fuhrerous
- Funkzone
- Fusillade
- FusterCluck
- FyreFeind
- G18
- GaigeReworkV1.1
- GaigeSkillTreeRework
- GalvanizingGemstones v1 2 1
- Gatling Stinkpot
- GatlingHBV2
- Gear Overhaul 1.36
- Gear Overhaul by Orudeon French Add On v1.0.0
- Gearbox Guns Plus
- Gemini
- gemsglow
- gemsnoglow
- Gemstone E Tech and Special Weapons
- Gemstone Loot Pools by Orudeon
- Gemstone Skin Buffs
- Gemstone Skin Fixes
- Gemstone Unlocker
- Gemstones Gone Wild
- Gemstones Redux
- Get Out Of FFYL Free Card (Norfleet rename)
- Get paid to die
- GhaltV2
- Ghostrider (from Ghostrider.txt)
- Ghostrider (from GhostriderBLC.txt)
- GiantLands
- Give Maliwan SMG sight reticle a dot
- Give Maliwan SMG stock Dahl stats
- Give the Crit perfect handling (CHEAT MOD) (affects all Maliwan SMGs)
- Gizzmo
- Gjallarhorn
- Glass Cannon
- GlitchCode plus
- Global Changes
- God Liath to Absolute Unit
- God Mode
- God of Mischief v3
- God of Thunder v4
- Godfinger Jakobs Barrel
- GodlyStarter
- Godspeed by Aaron0000 French Add On v1.0.0
- Golden Chest is Free
- Golden Chest Needs Eridium
- GoldenGizzmo
- goldensun87
- Goldfinger
- Grakata
- Greem
- Grenade Launcher & Kerblaster
- Grenade Status Chance Displayer BL2
- Grenade Status Chance Displayer TPS
- Grenade Unlocker
- GrenadeLuncher
- GrenadeResistance (from All(hotfix) v3.txt)
- GrenadeResistance (from Constructor(hotfix) v3.txt)
- GrenadeResistance (from Jack(hotfix) v3.txt)
- GrenadeResistance (from Raidboss(hotfix) v3.txt)
- GrenadeResistance (from Saturn(hotfix) v3.txt)
- Grenades Skin Pack
- Grog Nozzle
- GrogNozzleMissionReward
- Guaranteed M0RQ, Cutie Killer, and Heartfull Splodger
- Guaranteed Omnd Omnd Ohk
- Guaranteed Phonic
- Guaranteed Pimon
- Guaranteed Varkid Evolution
- Guerilla
- Guerrilla
- Gun?
- Gundropper by FromDarkHell
- Gundropper by MagicGonads
- Gunless Gunzerk
- Gunless Unique Drop Sound Notifier
- Gunshow BL2
- Gunshow TPS
- GunUnlocker
- Gunzerker offhand amp fix
- GyroJetCobra
- Hades by CzRSpecV
- Hades by EdamameTV
- Hail (Kitty)
- Hail_Arcless
- Hal
- HAL 9001
- Hammer BL2
- Hammer TPS
- Hammer Buster Revised
- Hammerlock Seraph Weapon Skins DLC1 Style
- Handbra
- Handcannon by Kazy
- HandCannon by NIKITAzed
- Handkanone
- HandsomeSorcererFirePower
- HandsomeSorcererPower
- Hard Reboot
- Hardcore Weapons (Plan Scraped)
- HarderUVHM
- Harold Devastator and Lyuda Patriot Swapper
- Hawklauncher
- Head And Skin Usability Unlocker
- Health Leech Moxxi's Endowment
- Heart of the Ancients
- HeartOfTheTardisRelic
- HeartStopper
- Heavy Shotguns BL2
- Heavy Shotguns TPS
- HeavyChaingun
- HeavyChaingunV4
- Hecc Gear Dependant Shotgun
- Heimdall
- Heimdall v3.1
- Hekk
- Hellfire (rename)
- Hellfire by EdamameTV
- Hellfire by Greem
- Hellwalker
- Hemaxhu
- HexagonHarold (from HexagonHarold)
- HexagonHarold (from Stretched Hexagon Harold)
- HexTheDeathLord
- HH(hotfix)
- Hide Undiscovered Missions
- Higher Level Scaling Remover BL2
- Higher Level Scaling Remover TPS
- HighRisk HighReward
- Hitman
- HolyHades
- Homing Missile Pod Zoomy
- Honest Fibbers BL2
- Honest Fibbers TPS
- Hoplite
- HoppinBeety
- HorrorInfinity
- Hot Potato
- Hotfixes (from Badassify Extreme v2.1.txt) by theNocturni
- Hotfixes (from Enemy Enhancer Extreme v3.2.1.txt) by theNocturni
- Hotfixes (from Enemy Enhancer v3.2.1.txt) by theNocturni
- Hotfixes (from Phaselock(hotfix) v2.1.txt) by theNocturni
- Hotfixes (from Vendor+ v2.2.txt) by theNocturni
- Hotfixes by Riftedge
- HumbleWaterSalesman
- Hunter
- Hurricane Pass
- Hydrattler
- Hyper Collider V7
- HypeRabbit
- HyperCollider
- Hyperion Better Kick
- Hyperion Brand Tweaks V1.1a by Orudeon
- Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1 (from Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1.1 includes Uniques)
- Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1 (from Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1.1)
- Hyperion Surprise
- Hyperion_Carnifex
- I Never Square (Swear)
- ICanSeeAgain
- if Axton was a gun
- ii_HosT CL
- ilrathCXV
- Impaler
- Improve Regen relic
- Increased Duchess Stacks
- IncredibleHulk v2
- Industrial Weapons
- Inertia Weapon Sway
- Infernal Blaze
- Inferno
- Infinite Air Boosts
- Infinite loop
- Infinity
- Infinity (Globber)
- Infinity (Gwen's Other Head)
- Infinity Beyond BL2
- Infinity Beyond TPS
- Infinity2
- Influenza
- Infuriating Beatdown
- iNSANE990
- Interchanger
- Interdictor
- Interfacer (Gwen's Other Head & Party Line)
- Interfacer Skin
- Interspersed Outburst Buff
- Invader
- Invaderguy78
- Iron Bear
- Irradiator
- ISICv2
- Item Level Uncapper BL2
- Item Level Uncapper TPS
- Item Lvl Fix BL2
- Item Lvl Fix TPS
- Item Part Notifier
- Item Part Notifier for BL2 Reborn
- ItemDropRates
- ItemOfTheDayRates
- ItsCoolDood
- itsmedoggo
- Jack DigiJack in FFYL v1.0.0
- Jack U
- Jagermeister
- Jakobs and Torgue E Tech Weapons
- Jakobs Brand Tweaks by Orudeon French Add On v1.0.1
- Jakobs Brand Tweaks V1.4 by Orudeon
- Jakobs Clockwork Rifles
- Jakobs Elements BL2
- Jakobs Elements TPS
- Jakobs Order
- Jakobs Unkempt Harold
- JakobsSkinOverhaul
- JavaPowerhouse
- Jejjo
- Jim Raven
- johnrr6
- Juggernaut
- Juicy Fruit Interfacer Reskins by SentySent
- Jumpstarter
- Jurisdiction
- Juso
- KaBAM![Ahab Replacement]
- kaneda
- Kaneda's Laser
- Kazy
- Keraphobia
- Keyboard_Commands BL2
- Keyboard_Commands TPS
- Kieitrio
- Kill Skill Lands
- Kill3R J3NKN5 MK
- Killbot
- Killer Bee
- Killer Wasp
- King Bonerfart
- Kiss of Death Unbridled v1.0.0
- KissOfDeath
- Kitten
- Kitten Buff
- Knavelyn
- Knife
- Knoxx's Gold
- Koby
- Koffee
- koreakid02
- Kraken
- Krieg
- Krieg Legendary Torch Com
- Krieg Self hit
- KrustyKraw
- kunelsanders
- KuroPanther_M
- L.O.V
- L00T L0AD3R
- Laminatesnow
- Landscaper
- Landscaper No Self Damage v1.0.0
- Larger Midget Containers
- LaryIsland
- Laser Disker
- Laser Pistols V1.0a by Orudeon
- Lawed&OrderedUp
- Laxlife
- lAy'Sr
- Lazy Gaige Buffs
- Leech
- Legendary Banshee (Uses Kazy's skin replacer!)
- Legendary Cat Overhaul
- Legendary Catgirl (legendary cat rename)
- Legendary COM Make Over Pack
- Legendary Crapshooter
- Legendary Crunch Class Mod
- Legendary Duelist beta
- Legendary Grenadier
- Legendary Gunner
- legendary loot giants
- Legendary Maelstrom
- Legendary Roboninja Class Mod
- Legendary Sapper
- Legendary Shield Skins
- Legendary Trickster Com
- Legendary_Anarchist
- legendary_class_mods+_
- LegendaryBanshee
- LegendaryBartender
- LegendaryBlastMaster
- LegendaryCougar
- LegendaryDemoman
- LegendaryDemonessCOM
- LegendaryGhost
- LegendaryGrenadier
- LegendaryGunslinger
- LegendaryJavelineer
- LegendaryMaya
- LegendaryMerc
- LegendaryMonk
- LegendaryNinja
- LegendaryProfessional
- LegendaryQuickscoper
- LegendaryRaider
- LegendaryRifleman
- LegendarySpecOps
- LegendaryStrike
- LegendarySupport_1
- LegendarySupport_2
- LegVendor
- Lemniscate
- Less Annoying Bane
- Less Blinding Damage Popups
- Less Death Cost
- Less Dumb Visuals v3.2.0
- Less Tedious Quest v1.0.0
- Less Tedious Quests v1.0.3
- LessBlindingFotFH
- Leviathan
- LexPrime
- Lftstrafe
- LgdnryEngineer
- Light of the Firehawk
- LightChaosman
- Lightly Mashing
- Lightning Bolt v1
- LightningBolt
- Lil Evie Buff
- LimitBreak
- LiquidRelease
- Litho's Armory: Pandora Edition
- Lithobraker
- Little Evie Alternative
- Live Dismember
- Locked
- Logan's Gun Doll
- Logan's Gun Scarface
- Logan'sGunMod
- LollosaurusRex
- Longer Decepti0n Duration
- Longer Phaselock Duration
- Longer Sabre Turret Duration
- Longest Yard
- LongGun
- Longnail
- Loot Despawner Version 3.0
- Loot Midget World
- Loot Radar
- LootMidgetFastFarm
- Love_Thumper_&_Deadly_Bloom_Skins
- Lover
- LoveThumper
- LtF(hotfix) v2
- Lubricated Spinigun Barrels BL2
- Lubricated Spinigun Barrels TPS
- Luck Cannon
- Luminesence
- Luneshine on Uniques
- Lure
- Luther78
- Lyuda
- LyudaBuff
- lyudarename
- Lyudmila (Lyuda reskin)
- M00NSH0T
- M00NSH0T(NoneCrushing)
- M392 DMR
- Machine
- Madhous! Remastered
- Magic Missile Plus by Darkdemon8910 French Add On v1.0.0
- MagicGonads
- MagicMissilePlus
- MagicMissilex2
- MagicMissilex4
- Make Don't Copy That Floppy Repeatable
- Make Shoot Me In the Face repeatable
- MakeRefillVendorsGreatAgainCOMBOBREAKER
- Makes FromDarkHell (DorkHeck) a loser
- MakeVendorsGreatAgain2017
- Malafolf Mom
- Maliwan Barrels Are Special
- Maliwan Brand Tweaks V1.2a by Orudeon
- Maliwan Photon Cannon
- Maliwan SMGs lightning gloss reskin
- MaliwanGodSnipers
- Mam BL2
- Mam TPS
- ManlyMan
- Manufacturer Sorted Vending Machines
- Manufacturer Sorted Vending Machines by OLASGN French Add On v1.0.0
- ManyMustFall +
- Maplestruck
- Marco Polo
- Marcus Gundropper by FromDarkHell French Add On v1.0.0
- Mario Mode
- Mario Mode: Part 2 The Pre Sequel
- MarksmanRifle
- Marksmen v2
- Marquis
- Marxist Unique Double Tap Shotgun
- Mashers BL2
- Mashers TPS
- Mass
- Master
- Matching Barrels
- Max Max Lighter
- Maya'sBFF
- MayaPathfinder
- Medic [Infection replacement]
- Medical Mystery Blaster Fix
- MegaCyber151
- Melee_Enhancement
- Melt BL2
- Melt TPS
- Meltdown
- Memoriam
- Mesa
- metalfokker
- MeteorShower
- Michael Bay Mode
- MidgetLands
- MidnightStar
- Might
- Mike's Weapon Mod
- Minefield
- Mining Laser ChargeShot
- Mintbloke
- MIRValous
- MissingSights
- MisterMcshotty
- Mod Categories
- Mohl97
- Money Shot COM
- Moneyshot Fix
- Monster of the Seraphs
- MontanaV2
- MontyV2
- Moonface
- MoonJumper
- Moonrunes
- Moonsight
- MoonStoneDropRates
- mopioid
- More Ammo BL2
- More Ammo TPS
- More Ammo, Bigger Bag
- More Animals On Pandora
- More Bloodlust Stacks
- More Chubbies
- More Chubbies+Edit
- More COM Skill Scaling
- More Legendary Drops (x3)
- More Loaders On Pandora 2
- More Loot Midget Containers
- More Muscles
- More Pick Up Radius v1.0.0
- More Rare Midgets
- More Vehicles by FromDarkHell
- More Vehicles by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
- More Weapon Vendor Lines
- MoreBlood
- morningstar
- Mors
- MortarMKII
- Movement speed OZ kit
- Moxxi Battle Arena Sponsored v1.0.2
- Moxxi Shield
- Moxxi Signature Classic Skin Pack v1.0.0
- Moxxi Signature Elegance Skin Pack v1.0.0
- Moxxi Signature Pinky Skin Pack v1.0.0
- Moxxi's Endowment (Health Leech) by Aaron0000 French Add On v1.0.0
- Moxxi's Load (Rolling Thunder Replacement)
- Moxxie's Crit
- MoxxiStash
- Moxxstrasza
- MrSpeedRunner1
- Multi Missile Launcher
- Multi toned Garnet Weapon Skins
- Mustang & Sally V2
- MW2366
- Myelin Change
- Mystery
- Naarin
- Nasty Surprise
- NastySurprise
- Natsu Sora Summer Sky (Sandhawk reskin)
- Natsu235
- NB55NB
- Nemesis by Aaron0000
- Nemesis by Sku11k1d1998
- Neogenator Super Buff
- New Gemstones
- New Gun
- Newfoundlands
- Nidhogg
- Nifsara
- Night Court
- Night Striker
- Nightblood
- Nightshade
- ninjahawk0824
- Nisha Showdown in FFYL v1.0.0
- no BAR skin rewards
- no bore noise
- No Broken Chests Near Denial Subroutine
- No Critical Ascenti0n Decay
- No Crushers in Lair of Infinite Agony
- No Damage Numbers
- No Death Cost
- No Fidget spinners
- No Haderax Despawn
- No Level Moxxi's Endowment
- No Level Requirement For Gear
- No Level Requirement Gear TPS
- No Meathunks Required for Lost Legion Invasion
- No Mimics
- No Misleading Orange Glow
- no more barrels
- No More Fast Travel Animation v1.0.0
- no more fucking skin drops
- No More Knocking
- No More Moxxi Lifesteal v1.0
- no more permaslag
- No More Reload Messages v1.0.0
- No Muzzleflashes
- No Respec Cost BL2
- No Respec Cost TPS
- No Self Damage by AutumnWitch
- No Self Damage by silverxpenguin
- No Self Harm Kunai
- No Space Cowboy
- No Spawn Limit
- No SpyBugs in The Cortex
- no_more_orders_
- NoBreathing
- NoDamageNumbers
- NoGravityRagdolls
- NoLines
- NoMoreEnemyBulletReflection
- Non Elemental Buff
- NonPeaceful
- Norfleet Plus
- Norfleet Retex
- NoSpawnLimit
- Not as Bane ful
- Not Even A Quarter Assed AjaxOgre
- NovApocalypse
- Nozerker
- Nuka Nuke
- NVHM TVHM Area Scaling
- NVHM TVHM Area Scaling (TPS)
- Nytimz
- Oasis Fast Travel Fix
- Obsidiano
- Ol' Painful
- old cobra
- Old Hyperion
- Old Hyperion Matching Effect Fixer
- OlRosie
- Omen
- Omni Cannon
- Omohundro
- One Pump Chump
- oneclickrefill
- ONegative
- Oneshot
- OokaTikiOokaTiki
- Oompa Loompa
- OPSham
- Optic Surgery
- Optimiser
- optional_objectives+_
- OPWeaponVendors
- Order
- Orion TPS
- Orion by EdamameTV BL2
- Orion by Jim Raven BL2
- Orion by Kazy BL2
- Ororo (Commerce)
- Orphan Blinger
- Orudeon
- Oselands
- osetor74
- Osmosis
- Ostrix
- OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
- Outsourced Development
- Overheat (Good Touch OP buff)
- Overload
- OverpowerLevelBonuses
- owl
- ozay3444
- Painbringer[Seeker Replacement]
- Pandemic
- Pandemonium
- Paparazzi
- PartsFix
- PartyLine V1
- partyporter
- patch (from ActualRollingThunder.txt) by PsychoPatate BL2
- patch (from BouncingBonny.txt) by PsychoPatate BL2
- patch (from Calypso.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Crossfire.txt) by PsychoPatate BL2
- patch (from D20.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from DarkLeaksOuttaMe.txt) by theNocturni BL2
- patch (from fixUCPerrors.blcm) by 55tumbl BL2
- patch (from fixVoracHyperiusHealth.blcm) by 55tumbl BL2
- patch (from Flimsy.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Heist.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Hivehand.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from LazyBones.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Lotus.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Moment.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Patience.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from PickTheScav.txt) by theNocturni BL2
- patch (from Pop.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Riposte.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Stylo.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Terran.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Thunderstruck.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Wasteland.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch (from Western.txt) by Jejjo BL2
- patch by Aaron0000 BL2
- patch by Community Patch TPS
- patch by iNSANE990 TPS
- patch by R34KT0R BL2
- Patriot
- Patriotic Patriot
- patriotrakehell
- Pawn Grenade Enemy Ally Vehicle Loot Spawner
- PawnM0v3
- PDW[Devastator Replacement]
- Peaceful
- Peacekeeper
- Pearlescent_Petunia
- Penance (Teeth of Terra Replacer)
- Penetrator[Patriot Repacement]
- Pentad
- Pepperbox Projectile Multiplier
- Pepperboxes
- PepperboxesPS
- Perforator
- PersesV5
- Pete Loot Pool Fixer
- PGM_Ultima_Ratio_Hecate_II
- Phaselock in FFYL
- Phaselock Tweaks
- Phoenix
- Photon
- Physx Fix Execute only in main menu
- Pile O' F*ck
- PimpedPimp
- PIMPernel
- Pimpernel Customization Mod 2.1
- Pimpernel reskin
- Pimputcher Fist
- Pistol Double Accessory Tweaks
- PistolsRedoneV1
- Plague
- Plasma Caster Dahl Prototype SX 1 v1.0.1
- Plasma Caster Hyperion Finesse Circuit Board Edition v1.0.2
- Plasma Caster Hyperion Finesse Moxxi Edition v1.0.3
- Plasma Cutter
- Plasma Pistols
- Plasma_Cutter
- Player HUD Element Remover Version 1.1
- Plunkett
- Plus
- Pocket Money
- PocketKnife
- PocketVacuum
- Poindexter
- Poison
- Pompeius
- Post Scriptum
- Potent as a Pony Change
- PotOGold
- Powerhous[Seraphim Replacement]
- Powerhouse
- Praetor
- Pre Sequel
- Pre Sequel Butcher V3
- Precisiongamer0
- Predator
- Prefix Rework by AngrierPat French Add On v1.0.1
- Prefix Rework V2.1a by AngrierPat
- Prefix Rework V2.1a by AutumnWitch
- Price Calculation Fixes BL2
- Price Calculation Fixes TPS
- PrismDancer
- Pristine Butcher Reskin by SentySent
- Private[Veruc Replacement]
- Probe
- Probe_Element_Part_Data
- Profanity of the Seraphs
- Profanity of the Seraphs by GoldenGizzmo French Add On v1.0.0
- Project: RE Pearl
- projmods
- Proletarian Revolution Super Buff
- Proletarian_Revolution
- Proper Laser Grip
- Proper Weapon Bodies
- Protagonist Very Rare Hyperion Pistol
- Pseudo OP Opie
- Pseudo_OP8 V2
- Psychodelia
- PsychoPatate
- PsychoPatch
- PulchraMors
- Puma
- PunChee
- Punter BL2
- Punter by Aaron0000 TPS
- Punter by Laxlife TPS
- PurpleComBuff BL2
- PurpleComBuff TPS
- Pyrex
- pyromaniac420710
- Quadtastic BL2
- Quadtastic TPS
- Quaker BL2
- Quaker TPS
- Quasar
- Quest Fixes
- Quicker Shop Resets
- Quicksilver v1
- R34KT0R
- Ragdoll Enabler for Corpses [Enables it; Selectable below]
- Railgun
- Railgunfix
- Rainfall
- Rainfall (Emperor reskin for UCP TPS Torrent)
- Ranger
- Rapier With Life Steal
- RareMonsterFix
- Rarity Frick
- Rarity Level Color
- RarityChanges by Greem
- RarityMatchingItemGlowsV3
- Rationaliest Anarchist
- RationalSMASHer
- RavingRant(hotfix)
- RavingRetribution+
- Razor Sharp [Luneshine]
- ReactorShieldType
- Realistic weaponry(Weapon Series)
- Really bright gold ish skins that burns your eyes
- RealOverkill
- Reaper BL2
- Reaper TPS
- Reaper'sShotguns
- Reaper(WIP)
- Reborn Gunless Unique Drop Sound Notifier
- Reclaimer Shawn
- Red text explainer
- RedoneVladofRL
- Refactored Hoarder COM
- RefillVendors
- RefundSubSequence
- Regen Snipers BL2
- Regen Snipers TPS
- Regenerative Tediores
- Rekr
- Relic Overhaul by Orudeon French Add On v1.0.0
- Relic Overhaul V1.1b by Orudeon
- Remove ADS Sway on Hot Mama
- Remove Health Regeneration in UVHM
- removes badassasaurus rexs bullet reflection
- Removes Muffle From vaccum
- Rendered Cutscene Disabler
- Reogenator Super Buff
- Respawnable Excalibastard
- Respawning Enemies And Allies BL2
- Respawning Enemies And Allies TPS
- Respawning Loot
- Revamped Hellfire
- REVELATION by Reclaimer Shawn
- Revelation by silverxpenguin
- Revolution BL2
- Revolution TPS
- Revolvers BL2
- Revolvers (from Revolvers (JakobsBarrelVersion).txt) TPS
- Revolvers (from Revolvers.txt) TPS
- Revolvers (Jakobs Barrel Version)
- Revolvers by Aaron0000 French Add On v1.0.1
- Rhysand
- Rib Tycoon
- Rickettsia
- Riftedge
- Rigel
- Rigel_DahlVers
- Rigel_NonblindVers
- RiseOfTheSeraphs
- Roadrunner
- RoasterJumper
- Robeth
- Robo The Hobo
- Roboteers Boost Deathtrap
- Rocket Barrel "Rework"
- Rocket Jump Mod
- Rocket_BL1_Beta
- rocketjump
- RocketJumper
- Rocky Pebble
- Roku
- RollingThunder
- root
- Rose by CzRSpecV
- Rose by Kieitrio
- Rott for Me
- RubberizedRemover
- Rubi
- Ruin
- RussianSpy v1
- S&S AllegianceCOMs Fix
- S&S Forever BL2
- S&S Forever TPS
- S&S Lite BL2
- S&S Lite TPS
- Sabre Rifle
- Sal Less Annoying Screaming
- Sal the Invincible
- Sal's a Rightie
- Salt Cannon
- SaltLake
- Salvador
- Salvador_Lay_Waste_Skill_[EN]
- SalvadorChieftain
- Sand Hawk
- Sand_Hawk (elemental)
- Sand_Hawk (wavy)
- Sandhawk Reskin
- SandHawkV1.1
- SandMaker
- Sandstorm
- Sasha BL2
- Sasha TPS
- Satan's Shit
- Saturn Crit spots
- saverius
- Sawbar
- Scopeless Snipers
- Scorcher
- Scorn_Unleashed
- Scorpio Buff
- Searching
- Second Chances
- SecondWindStuff
- Seeker by Greem
- Seeker by PsychoPatate
- Select Fire
- SemiAutoDahlSnipers
- Sense of Pride and Accomplishment
- SentySent
- SeperatePearlsAndECHOS
- Sequoia
- Seraph Vendor Compat Fix
- Seraph_Marigold
- SeraphimEdit
- Seraphs Outside UVHM
- Seraphs Sell for Crystals V1.0 by Mike
- Serpens
- Seud
- ShadeFox Sumo
- Shadow of the Seraphs red text typo fix
- Shadowevil
- shark_NEW
- SheePack
- Shield Behavior Overhaul by Orudeon French Add On v1.0.1
- Shield Behavior Overhaul V1.3a by Orudeon
- Shield Capacity Buff Uncapper
- Shield of Ages
- Shield Parts Spawn Fix
- Shield Stat Tweaks by Orudeon French Add On v1.0.1
- Shield Stat Tweaks V1.1 by Orudeon
- Shields Skin Pack
- Shikurian
- SHL 328_Banshee
- Shock and AUGH
- Shock Rocket
- Shock Storm Change
- shock_trooper
- ShockFOTFH
- ShockinglyClear
- ShockStorm
- ShockThumper
- shoot_me_
- Shooty Explodey
- Shorter Dexi Delay
- Shorter Fast Travel Waiting Time v1.0.0 BL2
- Shorter Fast Travel Waiting Time v1.0.0 TPS
- Shotgun1340
- Shower
- Shredifier Super Buff
- Shut Up, Pickle Splodger!
- Siggles
- Signature BL2
- Signature TPS
- SilenceTheVoices +
- SilenceTheVoices Self hit Scaling
- silent amps
- Silent Morningstar Mod 1.3
- Silver Fist
- silverxpenguin
- Simulate_More_Vault_Hunters
- SingingBird
- SingularitySupernova
- SingularityUnforeseen
- Sir Hammerlock's Jakobs Sponsor v1.0.4
- Siren QoL pack
- Siren's flame
- SirUmnei
- Skeletons Suck Less
- Skill Scaling Patch
- Skill System Tweaks
- Skill System Tweaks For TPS
- Skin
- Skinless Weapons Pack
- Sku11k1d1998
- Skullmasher
- SkyRocket
- Slag
- Slag Damage to NE Damage
- Slag Fiend
- Slag flame of the firehawk
- Slag Hellfire Halitosis
- Slag Make it Sparkle
- Slag on Maliwan Only V1.0 by Zububu
- Slag Overhaul
- Slag Overhaul by B33PB00PJOE French Add On v1.0.0
- Slag+
- SlagDoTKrieg
- Slagfree Vanilla
- Slagga 2
- Slaggie
- SlagHalitosis
- SlagUnforseen
- Slayer
- Slayer COMs
- Slayer COMs Compatibility
- Sledge's Masher
- Sledge's Shotgun
- Sledgehammer BL2
- Sledgehammer TPS
- Sleech
- slipless_crit
- Slow Hand (new red text)
- Slowhand
- Slug Shotguns BL2
- Slug Shotguns TPS
- Slugger
- Slur Removal
- Smaller Lighter Faster Buff
- Smaller, Lighter, Faster into Bigger, Heavier, Faster
- Smaller, Lighter, Faster No Magazine Penalty
- Smasher
- SMG Dahl Discord Solver Bloody Edition v1.1.2
- SMG Dahl Discord Solver Moxxi Edition v1.1.5
- SMG Hyperion Splish Splash Stendhal Edition v1.0.0
- smithxn
- SmotPokin42000
- Sneezy Peezy
- Sniper Acc 2 Gamble
- Solar Ray Dispenser (Eco Friendly Weapon)
- something
- Soze
- soze
- Sp4rkSt0rm
- SpaceCowboy
- Sparrow BL2
- Sparrow TPS
- Spazz
- Speed Boosting Shotgun Accessory BL2
- Speed Boosting Shotgun Accessory TPS
- Speedier Moon Buggies
- Speedier Sandskiffs
- Speedier Stingrays
- Speedy Bayonets
- SpiderKid v1
- Spinning Leaf
- Spintastic BL2
- Spintastic TPS
- Splash v2.1
- Splitters
- splitzle
- Sponge by PsychoPatate
- Sponge by SirUmnei
- Spring Court
- Sputnik
- Squirt Gun
- Stacks(hotfix)
- Stalker
- Stalkers Use Shields
- Steel Meridian
- Steel Meridian Gear Dependant Shield
- Stinger
- Stinger Four Walls Rebouncing v1.0.0
- StoneMask
- Storm (lightning gloss reskin)
- Storm by Natsu235
- Storm by PsychoPatate
- StormFront
- Strax
- Striker 2.0
- Striker 3.0
- Striker Real Fandir Edition v1.0.0
- Stungun
- STV no self hit
- StV(hotfix)
- StVBlindness
- SublightMK2
- SuicideGun
- Sunsh1neRae
- SunshineSupernova
- Super Moves™
- Super Shotgun
- SuperAggressive
- Superiority
- SuperNova Missing Material Fix v1.0.0
- Supremacy_purps
- SupremacyFF
- Swagneto
- Swap Backstab and LikeTheWind
- Swap Speed Accelerate 1.0
- Swarm
- SwarmV2
- SwitchIt
- Swordsplosion
- Swordsplosion Fix
- SwordsplosionV2
- Sydney Sleeper
- Synergizer BL2
- Synergizer TPS
- SytheDarkess
- T2000 Concept
- T4s R by Aaron0000
- T4s R by ozay3444
- Tanto
- TattlerSplatgun
- Tazercow
- TeamBattle
- Teapot Remastered
- Techtastic
- Tediore Barrel Carnage Shotguns
- Tediore Barrel Carnage Shotguns V4
- Tediore Brand Overhaul by Orudeon French Add On v1.0.1
- Tediore Brand Overhaul V1.35a by Orudeon
- Tediore REGENdaries BL2
- Tediore REGENdaries TPS
- Teelfron
- Teleport
- temmmmy
- Tempest
- Teratorn43906
- Text Fixes
- Text Formatting Demo
- ThaCampin'Dutchpack BL2
- ThaCampin'Dutchpack TPS
- thats more than drunk mate
- The 00TheMessiah00
- The [Name]
- The assault rifle that used to have someone's name on it
- The Barrier Defender MKII
- The Cocky Hare
- The Diesel
- The Eridian Crossbow
- The Fast Fast Traveler By ShadeFox Sumo
- The Fat Bitch
- The Infinitisation++
- The katana
- The lightning
- The lightning (None crushing)
- The Mega Shaek
- The Neutron Star Launcher
- The Party Pooper
- The PenetratorV2
- The Red Text Inconsistency Patch
- The Reloader
- The Replenisher
- The Shrader
- THE Skill
- The Steel Meridian's Hekk of a Bundle
- The Terminator
- The Trumphiator Mortar MKIII
- The Waifu's Raifu
- The XxRobbieQuikscoprxX
- The_Bee
- The_Wanderer_2.0
- TheArcanist
- TheBlessing
- TheBoogyBlastAndTheZaeden Blaster
- TheButterflyEffect
- TheChayad
- TheDerpOfGames
- TheDragonBreath
- TheFairyBluster
- TheForce
- TheMagic
- TheMostOPModInExistence...
- theNocturni
- TheOneArmedBandit
- TheRealElysium
- TheRealVenom
- TheShootingStar
- TheSpaceWeapon
- TheTaestingRelic
- TheTalco
- TheTerminator
- TheTundraTerror
- Thor
- ThornV2
- Thousand_Bees
- Throw Grenades in FFYL
- Throw Grenades in FFYL v1.0.0
- Thunder
- Thunderball Fists Buff
- Thunderclap
- Thunderfire
- Tifa
- TigrisPrime
- TinglingSensation
- Titanentoter Titan Slayer (Amigo Sincero reskin)
- TobyV2
- Tofu
- ToggleAll
- ToggleAxton
- ToggleGaige
- ToggleKrieg
- ToggleMaya
- ToggleSal
- ToggleZero
- Tomcat
- TooScoops
- Toothprick
- Torgue Brand Tweaks V 1.1a by Orudeon
- Torgue Modified New U And Fast Travel Stations
- Torgue_Pulverizer
- Tough Assault Rifles by Aaron0000 French Add On v1.0.1
- TPS Bank & Backpack Space Activator (Part 1)
- TPS Bank & Backpack Space Customizer (Part 2)
- TPS Moxxi Signature Classic Collection v1.0.0
- TPS Moxxi Signature Elegance Collection v1.0.0
- TPS Moxxi Signature Pinky Collection v1.0.0
- TPS Player HUD Element Remover
- TPS Respawning Loot
- TPS Uncapped Pause Main Menu Settings
- TPS Upside Down Skill Trees
- TPS Audio and Visual: Audio Changes
- TPS Audio and Visual: General A V Settings
- TPS Audio and Visual: Text Changes
- TPS Audio and Visual: UI Changes
- TPS Audio and Visual: Weapon and Gear Visuals
- TPS Better Loot Mod
- TPS ChaoticTeams
- TPS Characters and Skills: Aurelia Changes
- TPS Characters and Skills: Jack Changes
- TPS Characters and Skills: Nisha Changes
- TPS Characters and Skills: Other Character Changes
- TPS Characters and Skills: Skill System Changes
- TPS Characters and Skills: Wilhelm Changes
- TPS Cold Dead Hands
- TPS Configurable Slot Machines
- TPS Container TimeSaver XL
- TPS Cutscene Disabler
- TPS Dialog Disabler
- TPS Early Bloomer
- TPS Enemies: Enemy Changes
- TPS Enemies: Enemy Spawns
- TPS Expanded Legendary Pools
- TPS Farming and Looting: Chest and Container Changes
- TPS Farming and Looting: Enemy Drop Changes
- TPS Farming and Looting: Loot System Overhauls
- TPS Farming and Looting: Other Loot Sources
- TPS Farming and Looting: Quest Rewards
- TPS Farming and Looting: Slot Machines
- TPS Farming and Looting: Vending Machines
- TPS Faster Rockets and Gyrojets
- TPS General Gameplay and Balance: Currencies
- TPS General Gameplay and Balance: Elements and Damage Types
- TPS General Gameplay and Balance: Game Mode Balance
- TPS General Gameplay and Balance: Other Gameplay Changes
- TPS General Gameplay and Balance: Quest Changes
- TPS General Gameplay and Balance: Scaling Changes
- TPS Happy Horizontal People Transporter
- TPS Improved Hyperion Stabilizers
- TPS Invulnerable Escortees
- TPS Major Overhauls and Mod Packs
- TPS Maps and Public Transport: Fast Travel
- TPS Maps and Public Transport: Map Alterations
- TPS Maps and Public Transport: Vehicles
- TPS Mega TimeSaver XL
- TPS MidgetLands Thanks to Hemaxhu for writing the base code
- TPS Movement Speed Cheats
- TPS No Wasted COMs
- TPS Other: Bugfixes
- TPS Other: Cheat Mods
- TPS Other: Joke Mods
- TPS Other: Resource Mods
- TPS Other: Translations
- TPS Quality of Life: General QoL
- TPS Quality of Life: Inventory Bank Changes
- TPS Quality of Life: UI QoL Changes
- TPS Randomizer
- TPS Rarity Color Fix
- TPS Red Text Explainer
- TPS Skills V2
- TPS Skinpool Reassignments
- TPS Sorted Fast Travel
- TPS Weapons Gear: Assault Rifles
- TPS Weapons Gear: Brand Overhauls
- TPS Weapons Gear: COMs
- TPS Weapons Gear: General
- TPS Weapons Gear: Grenade Mods
- TPS Weapons Gear: Lasers
- TPS Weapons Gear: Oz Kits
- TPS Weapons Gear: Packs
- TPS Weapons Gear: Pistols
- TPS Weapons Gear: Rocket Launchers
- TPS Weapons Gear: Shields
- TPS Weapons Gear: Shotguns
- TPS Weapons Gear: SMGs
- TPS Weapons Gear: Sniper Rifles
- TPS_Cheat_Code
- TPS_Flayer
- TPS_Frostfire
- TPS_Moonscaper
- TPS_Proletarian_Revolution
- TPS_Rerouter
- TPS_Shooterang
- TPS_Shredifier
- TPS_Skins
- TPS_Torrent
- TPS_Wet_Week
- TPSGunsV2
- Trafficker
- Trailer Trashing Always Counts as Night
- Transformer
- Transfusion
- Troika
- Trojan
- Troll
- Tsunami
- Tsunami Pearlescent SMG
- Tsunami by vwolvenn
- TurgeOgre
- TurretRecall(hotfix)
- TVHM Scaling Fix For Headhunters and FFS
- Tw0 Fang Fix
- Twin Annarki Red Text Material Barrel
- Twiser
- Twister Reskin
- TwisterCorrosive
- TwisterFire
- TwisterSlag
- Uber Terramorphous
- UCP 2.2 French Add On v1.0.1
- UCP v4.1 French Add On v1.0.1
- Ugyuu
- UHD_SR_Glowing_Textures
- Uncapped Pause Main Menu Settings
- Unforgiven by EdamameTV
- Unforgiven by PsychoPatate
- Unforgiven by xilph3718
- Unforgiven Masher
- Unique Blues Fixer
- Unique Vendor
- Unkempt Harold Lightning
- Unkempt_Harold (Globber)
- Unkempt_Harold (Gwen's Other Head)
- Unkempt_Harold (Probe)
- Unlimited Candies
- Unlocked MMORPGFPS
- Unlocked My Kingdom for a Wand
- UnlockTeapot
- Unofficial Community Patch 4.1's inversion
- Unofficial Community Patch 5.0.4
- Unstoppable Force
- Unstoppable Force Deathtrap Movement Speed Bonus
- Unvaulted Eridian
- Upgrade Legendary Ranger
- Upgrade Legendary Soldier
- Upside Down Skills
- Useful Blood Trance
- UtilityPack
- UVHM Beefcake
- UVHM RB v2.2 by Aaron0000 French Add On v1.0.0
- UVHM Rebalance (from UVHM Rebalance (Hard with UVHM+))
- UVHM Rebalance (from UVHM Rebalance (Hard))
- UVHM Rebalance (from UVHM Rebalance (Regular with UVHM+))
- UVHM Rebalance (from UVHM Rebalance (Regular))
- UVHM+ (from UVHM+ v2.7(speed).txt)
- UVHM+ (from UVHM+ v2.7.txt)
- UVHM2ComsWorldDrop
- UVHMPlus
- Vacation
- Vacuum Combustion
- VariantLoki
- Various Audio Fixes
- Various Sal Fixes
- VarkidOverhaul
- VaultHunter
- VaultHunterWeaponsTPS
- VectisPrime
- Vegeance
- Veldt
- Velocity
- velocity ammo
- Vendetta
- Vengeance & Mashers
- Vermillion Bird
- Vertical Grip Fix BL2
- Vertical Grip Fix TPS
- Veruc Alternative
- VexilleSerra
- Viewmodel
- Violator BL2
- Violator TPS
- Violator by Aaron0000 French Add On v1.0.0
- ViolentKnight
- Viper by EdamameTV
- Viper by Malafolf Mom
- Viral_Marketer
- Viral_Marketer (all elements)
- Vitriolage
- vk_coms
- Vladimir Putin
- Vladof Brand Tweaks V1.1a by Orudeon
- Vladof_Bloodletter
- Vladof_Revenant
- Vladof_Warmonger
- Voden's Shotbow
- VoidPhoenix
- VoidRose
- VoidRose Weapon Pack
- Volcano by EdamameTV
- Volcano by Greem
- VolcanoReskin
- VulpesDolosus
- vWolvenn
- Wanderlust Storm Reskin by SentySent
- Wardcliff Coil
- WarframeGunsV1
- WarMocK
- Wasp by Juso
- Wasp by Zatara
- Weapon Parts Spawn Fix
- Weapon X (Triqueta)
- Welrod
- WH1T3 D34TH
- Whale Killer
- Whale Killer
- Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Twofold v1.0.0
- WhiskeyFoxtrotV3
- White Death
- White Tiger
- White Wedding Legendary Absorb Shield
- whiteCall
- WhiteFeather BL2
- WhiteFeather TPS
- Whitefork
- Why?
- Widowmaker
- Wiki Status
- Wildlife Preservation Fewer Injured Loaders
- Wilhem Wolf & Saint in FFYL v1.0.0
- Winchester
- windstar
- WingBoy
- Witch
- Wolf
- Working Elemental Torgue Gyrojets
- World Spawn Loot Midgets
- Wormhole of Terra
- wraith
- WTF 2 Supplydrop
- X 23 (Law)
- Xarathos517
- xilph3718
- Xiphos
- Yaksher
- Yakuzomoto
- Ye Oldy Getting Around Pistol
- Yellow_Jacket_Red_Text_[FR]
- YellowJacket Buff Skin
- Yellowjacket2.0
- Yhorm
- YippeeKiYay
- yOuCaNtCaLlDiBsOnHuNtInGhUnDrEdSoFvAuLtS
- Yuri287
- Zatara
- Zazk0u
- Zelophehad!
- Zer0 Rework
- Zer0 Slayer
- Zero
- Zero Capacity Manly Man Shield
- ZeroDeadeye
- ZeroMovSpeed
- ZeroNoToggle
- ZetaDaemon
- Zezima
- Zixxyzay
- Zma
- Zoom
- Zoomed Out Sights
- DYNAMITE Explosive Torgue SMG