Assault Shotguns BL2 - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

Assault Shotguns

Author: Aaron0000

Last Updated: July 10, 2018

In Categories: General, Shotguns

Other mods with the same name:

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Description (from inside mod)

By Aaron0000
Changes the normal Hyperion barrel to be similar to Borderlands 1's Assault Shotguns, as well as give them a new title.
Stats (Compared to the Tediore barrel);
Damage ~ One additional pellet, but roughly 30% less damage per shot.
Spread ~ 25% tighter.
Reload ~ 30% faster.
Fire Rate ~ 75% faster (excluding Jakobs.)
Magazine Size - Four additional bullets before any magazine size bonuses are applied.
Recoil - 24% less.
Elemental - 25% more DoT damage, 75% greater chance.
Bandit - Saltass
Hyperion - Application
Jakobs - Trailgun
Tediore - Assault Special
Torgue - Smacker


Assault: Assault

Comparison: Comparison

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