BL2 Characters and Skills: Zer0 Changes - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Characters and Skills: Zer0 Changes
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- 15 min, by pyromaniac420710
- B0re Shield Bypass, by Coleby
- DeathBlossom +, by Hemaxhu
- Longer Decepti0n Duration, by Coleby
- ManyMustFall +, by Hemaxhu
- No Critical Ascenti0n Decay, by HolyHades
- No Self Harm Kunai, by Rhysand
- SingularityUnforeseen, by EmpireScum
- SlagUnforseen, by soze
- Swap Backstab and LikeTheWind, by Checometer
- THE Skill, by mopioid
- ToggleZero, by soze
- Tw0 Fang Fix, by Nifsara
- velocity ammo, by pyromaniac420710
- Zer0 Rework, by Freya
- Zero, by soze
- ZeroMovSpeed, by soze
- ZeroNoToggle, by soze