Chroma - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: Aaron0000

Last Updated: June 10, 2019

In Categories: SMGs

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Description (from inside mod)

By Aaron0000
Turns the Sand Hawk into an all-elemental SMG.
Fires five spinning, oscillating projectiles (one for each element).
Always spawns in non-elemental (won't delete elemental versions, but you're better off without the elemental damage penalty).
Non-existent recoil. Consumes 3 ammo per shot.
This weapon obviously changes the Sand Hawk's firing mode, but it also changes all four child projectiles as well. So be wary of mods that rely on the Sand hawk's firing mode while using this mod.
There is an option to change the rarity of the Chroma to the Rainbow rarity added with the HD update. It's disabled by default.


Chroma: Chroma

Shots: Shots

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