Quicksilver v1 - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

Quicksilver v1

Author: VariantLoki

Last Updated: July 10, 2017

In Categories: Assault Rifles

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Description (from inside mod)

---------------------------- Change Log ----------------------------
v1.2 - Decreased Damage for Balencing
v1.1 - Slight damage decrese
00Messiah00 gives good advice. I thank him to the moon and back whenever he reviews my weapons.
v1 - Initial Release
-------------------- Weapon Information --------------------
Replaces the Scorpio assult riffle
Meant to represent Marvel's Quicksilver (Aka Peitro Maximoff)
Locked to Shock Element
Here is a GIB code for a Shock elemental Scorpio - BL2(hwAAAAAMVwCBhgE/BIFEemIYxMCJIQHDIQYIDBUY/v93YiDDgIrh)
Very high firerate while Hip firing
Increased Mag size
Reletively high Accuracy for an Assault rifle
Aiming down sight shoots a 5 round burst (It is hard to tell because of the increased firerate, but it is bursting, trust me.)
Increases movement speed by 200% while held
This can be tricky sometimes, but when you get the hang of the inceased speed it is useful to get out of bad situations, speed farm for other items, or just blast through a map while killing all the enemies in your path.
Damage wise it does more than the Lead Storm, but less than the Bearcat. It should be a nice middle ground and not too OP, but I will continue testing and tweaking the damage.
Shiny custom skin! This one only took me about an hour, so I'd like to think that I'm getting better at these.

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