Pawn Grenade Enemy Ally Vehicle Loot Spawner - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

Pawn Grenade - Enemy - Ally - Vehicle - Loot Spawner

Author: OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell

Last Updated: July 30, 2019

In Categories: Cheat Mods, Chest and Container Changes, Grenade Mods, Enemy Spawns, Vehicles

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Description (from inside mod)

Mod written by GitHub: Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell / Nexus Mods: OB4MA
Major help from Apocalyptech for generating options per spawn zone!

Ever think to yourself:
"I want the ability to spawn stuff and make them fight each other."
"I wonder how Tannis uses Digistruct technology to spawn things capable of thinking?"
"I want a personal army to fight alongside me as I invade this town."
"I have no friends to help me kill Voracidous The Invincible on OP 10."
"Why can't I get a car at my location when I need it?"
or anything along those lines?

Well, this mod *can* solve most of those issues if you mess around with it further than what is actually here.
This mod essentially allows you to choose a variety of pawns, objects and some vehicles to spawn from a grenade per map location.
It must be customized before anything works though.

Each grenade (which is free to use) will spawn a magical entity that will create 4 different types of pawns that you can customize.
Each spawn zone (4 per grenade) has an option per map location that you can choose from (to allow compatability with clients) to spawn stuff that you want.
You can also choose from various allegiances per spawn zone to allow you to have an army to fight for you (won't really follow you) or create AI battles or a way to die quickly.

Each grenade will spawn a determined amount of groups before it runs out of magical powers, unless you give it unlimited magic power.
For example, the vanilla value for this mod creates 2 groups of 4 pawns (8 total) over the course of its lifetime.
By default this mod creates 6 groups of 4 pawns per grenade lifetime.

There is a delay for pawn spawning, which is good for not quickly crashing your game with a million enemies.
If you want a Pawn Grenade to stop spawning stuff then you just need to load into a different map and come back.  Everything will be gone but the loot drops from it.
Alternatively you can enable collision for the grenades magic pawn spawner to allow it to be shot and killed.  However, it is very strong normally and will likely be invisible / hidden.
This can be done by going into Necessary Code > Magic > Stealing My Info, Eh? > [Collide Actors].

You can customize this file while in-game and then execute it again in-game to apply your changes on the next map load if you are using this mod alone.
I do not recommend doing this if you are running any other major mod packs in the same file or have this in another mod pack file.
Otherwise you will have to understand the code and paste your changes in manually to get these to apply in the same map.

This mod requires a Nasty Surprise to work.
This will have been renamed to "Pawn Grenade".

After throwing the grenade once from when you first load in from the main menu where you executed it, you will be good for the rest of the same in-game session.
If you save and quit you will have to repeat this process again.  Other than that, this mod is pretty darn stable.

This mod requires the Fight For Sanctuary DLC (Rideable Buttstallion), Pirate's Booty DLC (spawning stuff), Campaign of Carnage DLC (Monster Truck / Rideable Butt Stallion).
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