OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Mods by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Borderlands 2
(Go directly to OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell's BL2 Github mod directory)
- Arena Overhauls
- ARPG Style Loot Beams
- Auto Trash / Favorite Items
- Bank & Backpack Space Activator (Part 1)
- Bank & Backpack Space Customizer (Part 2)
- Better Progression In Digistruct Peak
- Better Sanctuary Shooting Range - Version 1.2
- BL1 Chest Farm Recreation
- Blocking Door Removal
- Border Disputes
- Compact Sanctuary
- Custom Fast Travel Farms
- Customizable Player Audio Muter
- Farming Uranus - Version 1.1
- God-Liath to Absolute Unit
- Gunless Unique Drop Sound Notifier
- Head And Skin Usability Unlocker
- Jack U
- Larger Midget Containers
- Loot Despawner - Version 3.0
- Loot Radar
- Manufacturer Sorted Vending Machines
- More Vehicles
- More Weapon Vendor Lines
- No Level Requirement For Gear
- No Mimics
- Pawn Grenade - Enemy - Ally - Vehicle - Loot Spawner
- Player HUD Element Remover - Version 1.1
- Reborn - Gunless Unique Drop Sound Notifier
- Respawning Enemies And Allies - BL2
- Respawning Loot
- Teleport
- Torgue Modified New U And Fast Travel Stations
- Uber Terramorphous
- Uncapped Pause / Main Menu Settings
- Various Audio Fixes
(Go directly to OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell's TPS Github mod directory)
- No Level Requirement Gear - TPS
- Respawning Enemies And Allies - TPS
- TPS - Bank & Backpack Space Activator (Part 1)
- TPS - Bank & Backpack Space Customizer (Part 2)
- TPS - Player HUD Element Remover
- TPS - Respawning Loot
- TPS - Uncapped Pause / Main Menu Settings