BL2 Other: Cheat Mods - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Other: Cheat Mods
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BL2 Better Loot Mod, by Apocalyptech
BL2 Improved Hyperion Stabilizers, by Apocalyptech
BL2 Movement Speed Cheats, by Apocalyptech
Cheaper Gambling, by AutumnWitch
FiringPatternFix, by Nytimz
Free Raid Boss Cost, by Freya
Get paid to die, by silverxpenguin
Give the Crit perfect handling (CHEAT MOD) (affects all Maliwan SMGs), by Maplestruck
God Mode, by AutumnWitch
Less Death Cost, by AutumnWitch
Neogenator Super Buff, by Apocalyptech
No Crushers in Lair of Infinite Agony, by Apocalyptech
No Death Cost, by AutumnWitch
No Level Moxxi's Endowment, by Handbra
No Respec Cost - BL2, by AutumnWitch
No Self Damage, by AutumnWitch
No Self Damage, by silverxpenguin
Pawn Grenade - Enemy - Ally - Vehicle - Loot Spawner, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Shredifier Super Buff, by Apocalyptech
Speedier Sandskiffs, by Apocalyptech
TheMostOPModInExistence..., by Greem
Unlocked MMORPGFPS, by Apocalyptech
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