FromDarkHell - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Mods by FromDarkHell
Borderlands 2
(Go directly to FromDarkHell's BL2 Github mod directory)
- $1000 Loot Hunt
- BigLands
- BL1Loot
- BL1V1
- Borderlands HUD Remover - BL2
- Borderlands HUD Shifter - BL2
- Brick
- CarAnywhere - BL2
- CatapultFirst
- Changeable Peak
- Christmas Fast Travel Fix
- Configurable Vehicles
- DexiEridiumFix
- Dialog Remover
- Enemy / Object Derandomizer
- EveryLoot
- Fast Travel Portal Disabler - BL2
- Grenade Unlocker
- Guaranteed Pimon
- Gun?
- Gundropper
- Gunless Gunzerk
- GunUnlocker
- Hitman
- Item Part Notifier
- Kill-Skill Lands
- Lure
- Mario Mode
- More Vehicles
- Oasis Fast Travel Fix
- Quest Fixes
- RareMonsterFix
- Rendered Cutscene Disabler
- Scopeless Snipers
- Shooty Explodey
- TPS Skills V2
- TPSGunsV2
- Unlimited Candies
- Upside Down Skills
- Why?
(Go directly to FromDarkHell's TPS Github mod directory)
- 4x Enemy Spawns
- Borderlands HUD Remover - TPS
- Borderlands HUD Shifter - TPS
- CarAnywhere - TPS
- Community Day Enemies
- ECHO Sorter
- Fast Travel Portal Disabler - TPS
- Mario Mode: Part 2 - The Pre-Sequel
- Moonrunes
- NoSpawnLimit
- Old Hyperion Matching Effect Fixer
- TPS - Upside Down Skill Trees
- TPS Cutscene Disabler
- TPS MidgetLands - Thanks to Hemaxhu for writing the base code
- TPS Randomizer
- Unique Blues Fixer