God of Thunder v4 - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: VariantLoki
Last Updated: July 10, 2017
In Categories: Shotguns
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!!!Caution: This weapon may break the Pitchfork!
---------------------------- Change Log ----------------------------
v4.1 - Damage decreased for Balencing
v4 - I'm back again! After seeing 00Messiah00 Review this weapon of mine and hearing what he had to say about it, I decided to take his advice!
Damage decreased - Because let's face it, it was definetly OP. My goal is to try and make cool weapons that are fun to use, not ones that are gamebreakingly overpowered. Damage should now be comparable to the Conferance Call
Fire rate decreased slightly - Because it was causing some severe lag on Messiah's computer.
My computer is kinda crap so I play the game on lower graphical settings usually.
Added ammo regeneration - Because this weapon definetly eats through ammo pretty fast.
Again, A big thank you goes to Messiah. Really man, I appriciate all of your advice, and I'm very happy that you like my weapons enough that you feel they're video worthy.
v3 - Large edit to the skin because I actually had the textures mapped icorrectly. God, that's 2 hours of troubleshooting I'll never get back. Don't worry guys, I'm slowly learning.
Now has a shiny new texture and lightning bolt effect!
Decreased Damage slightly - Not too much. This will continue to be tested and tweaked as needed.
v2 - Tweaked the weapon skin around because some of the colours got messed up???
v1 - Initial release
--------------- Weapon Information -------------
Uses the Heartbreaker Shotgun as a base so it has the same Healing effect.
Now Legendary rarity.
Meant to represent Thor, the God of Thunder.
Shoots with the Horizontal firing pattern of the pitchfork.
On impact it spawns the Storms projectiles.
Because of the storm projectiles it is duel element Fire/Electric
Added a sight because having no sight sucks.
Because this gives the heartbreaker a sight you must execute this file on the main menu of the game THEN load your character, otherwise it will get deleted by sanity check.
Heres some GIB codes for heartbreakers with each sight. Pick whichever you'd like.