Conflagration - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: Dashiku

Last Updated: June 21, 2017

In Categories: Rocket Launchers

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Description (from inside mod)

Conflagration - Replaces the Pyrophobia
Breaks the volcano splash

!!Due to how this gun works it has to have pretty high fire rate. With Launchers only having 33 max ammo i decided to give this infinite ammo so the fire rate can be sustained. I've tried my best to balance it accordingly. It also makes a whole lot of noise. I tried looking for a better sound but there wasn't anything that fit. Beware the sound levels when you use this!!

Skin by Soze (Mike the Dutchman)

- Shoots a lot of fire
- Makes a lot of noise
- You cant see when you fire it
- Fire splashes counts as grenade damage so Krieg it up

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️