TPS Moxxi Signature Pinky Collection v1.0.0 - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

TPS - Moxxi Signature Pinky Collection v1.0.0

Author: Astor

Last Updated: December 15, 2018

In Categories: Weapon and Gear Visuals

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TPS - Moxxi Signature Pinky Collection

Few weeks ago, when a friend showed me his latest acquisitions for his Hot Wheels collection, I noticed the Corvette Stingray (Barbie) Pink 2018: all Pink & White!

Moxxi Signature Pinky Skin - Barbie Corvette Hotwheels

That make me think immediately that girls can be very serious about colors... at least regarding the pink color... and I won't be surprised that some of them really like the Moxxi weapons with a pink skin, but unfortunately, there is only fews available, and only in BL2...

Moxxi Signature Pinky Skin - Vanilla Pink Skin

... because in TPS, the Moxxi's skins are anything and everything, you choose!

Moxxi Signature Pinky Skin - Vanilla Pink Skin

So, I decided to totally rework the TPS Moxxi Skin...

Moxxi Signature Pinky Skin - Vanilla Pink Skin vs Pinky Skin

I change the vanilla color to the BL2 pink color, colorize the metal part in white, adapt the Moxxi logo in a more appropriate size when necessary... and repeat the same work on all the Moxxi weapons.

Moxxi Signature Pinky Skin - Collection

And now, like a Barbie girl in a Barbie world; you can feel the glamour in pink with the Moxxi Signature Pinky Collection.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

Mod author: Astor
Release Date: 16 December 2018
Version: 1.0.0 - See ReadMe for Changelog ;)
Uniformize Moxxi weapons signature skin like an actual manufacturer.
Based on BL2 Vanilla skin: Bad Touch/Slow Hand style.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️