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Author: VariantLoki
Last Updated: July 06, 2017
In Categories: SMGs
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!!!CAUTION: This weapon WILL break the Thunderball fists!
--------------------- Weapon Information ---------------------
Replaces the Hellfire SMG
Meant to represent Marvels Scarlet Witch AKA Wanda Maximoff
You can use this weapon as a counterpart to the Quicksilver Assault rifle if you'd like.
Not parts locked at all so feel free to use whichever variation you'd like
Heres a GIB code for the one I used during testing: BL2(hwAAAAAi2gBDKANBEIEErGIxwYKLRQHLCpYGLBVY/v/nYinCIozl)
15% increase to base damage (the Hellfire was already a pretty good weapon, so lets not go too crazy here)
Small increase to magazine size, accuracy, and stability (less recoil)
Increased Status Effect Chance and Damage over time
Grants a 50% Resistance to Incediary damage, and reduces the time you are on fire by 50%
Gave it an E-tech barrel because it look cooler. (I just like the way the E-tech flaps look.)
Shooting an enemy or surface will cause a small fire nova and a singularity that will pull in nearby enemies.
WILL. IT. BORE?? Most likely.
Does the singularity work on Master Gee? Yes, Yes it does. Do with that what you wish