TPS Rarity Color Fix - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

TPS Rarity Color Fix

Author: Koby

Last Updated: January 11, 2019

In Categories: Weapon and Gear Visuals

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Description (from inside mod)

By Koby
Changes the rarity color of unique aftermarket items to a dark teal to be more distinguishable from other items.
Changes the color of DLC legendaries to a dark orange.
Changes the color of Moxxi weapons to a blood red.
Makes "Glitch Rarity" weapons be below uniques and above purples.
Changes the order of items in the inventory: DLC Legendary -> Legendary -> Moxxi -> Unique -> Glitch -> Very Rare...
Has an optional module to turn all Heads and Skins to a grey-ish color.
Full BLCMM support!
Thanks to FromDarkHell for writing me a script for the Heads and Skins.
This mod will most likely conflict with any mod which changes rarity colors and rarities of items.
If you have basic modding and reading knowledge, you can fix the rarity in the weapon/item mod yourself.
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