Dark Phoenix (Sandhawk) - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: B33PB00PJOE
Last Updated: June 11, 2019
In Categories: SMGs
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Mod by B33P B00P JOE
Alters the Florentine's impact behavior
(unused on it's actual gun, but may interfere with other mods)
Sets the Hellfire's explosive_5 damage type to Fire instead of Explosive default
The Dark Phoenix replaces the Sandhawk SMG with a new firing mode based on the X-Men's most powerful mutant: Jean Grey!
Imbued with the power of the Pheonix Force, you can now shoot powerful Pyrokinesis blasts to wreck foes! Just be careful not to let the power overwhelm you...
+Shoots Psychic Phoenix blasts that deal Fire damage, with direct hits also slagging foes
+While usable from the hip, aiming with the Phoenix puts you into overdrive with added damage, burst, fire rate, but at the cost of health unless you hit!
+Features a new paint job
v3 Changes:
Reformatted text / code
v2 Changes:
+Health De-Gen on zoom properly scales
+splash effects reorganized