BL2 Invulnerable Escortees - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

BL2 Invulnerable Escortees

Author: Apocalyptech

Last Updated: September 03, 2019

In Categories: General QoL, Quest Changes

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There are a few missions in BL2 in which you must keep either an enemy or an ally alive, or else fail the mission. This mod makes those escortees invulnerable (or at least effectively invulnerable), so you no longer have to worry about inadvertantly failing the mission. This is most useful for the escort missions where your charge is hostile, because the player can no longer accidentally kill them while taking care of the other enemies in the area.

The full list of affected escortees is:

  • Enrique: Tina's pet in the Torgue DLC, during the mission "Walking the Dog"
  • Flesh-Stick: Tina's nemesis during the "You Are Cordially Invited" quest line in Tundra Express
  • Hacked Overseer: The hacked constructor from the mission "Statuesque" in Opportunity
  • Mosstache: Aubrey's instrument of vengeance in the Dragon Keep DLC mission "Tree Hugger"
  • Mr. Sparks, the generator in You Are Cordially Invited: Tea Party. It's pretty rare that the generator ever gets in real danger, but technically it would fail the quest if it were to die.
  • Ol' Pukey, from the Hammerlock DLC mission Ol' Pukey.
  • Supply Crate, in Thousand Cuts during Defend Slab Tower. I don't know that I've ever even seen this take damage during normal gameplay, but here it is regardless.

One enemy only receives a 25x health buff (bringing it a bit past "badass" level) rather than the usual buffs:

  • Der Monstrositat: The Borok Dietmar wants you to trap in the Hammerlock DLC mission "Still Just a Borok in a Cage." UCP makes Der Monstrositat respawnable, and an alternate source for the Chopper, so full invulnerability seems unwarranted if you're using UCP. The default is a 25x health boost (Badass Boroks are 16x). You can optionally choose to make Der Monstrositat effectively invulnerable anyway, if you want.

Additionally, one more is disabled by default:

  • Murderlin's Son: The tower you must defend in the Dragon Keep DLC quest "The Magic of Childhood." Making the tower invulnerable makes this quest pretty pointless: you can win by just sitting there doing literally nothing. So, it's disabled by default, though you can choose to make the tower invulnerable anyway if you like.

Note that Maya's "Converge" skill has a fairly unique damage type definition -- most likely a subtle bug in the game code, honestly -- and the damage from Converge cannot by default be blocked by any enemy. The increased health pools given to these escortees should protect them from casual Converging, though.

There are a few instances where you're tasked with defending something but the mission doesn't fail when it receives too much damage; I opted not to make any changes to those missions. Specifically, the lunar supply beacon in Bright Lights, Flying City, and the flag generators in Capture the Flags.

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Description (from inside mod)

BL2 Invulnerable Escortees v1.2.0
by Apocalyptech
Licensed under Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal

Makes any NPC you are required to "escort" be effectively invulnerable
to damage, so there's no chance of them accidentally being killed and
causing you to have to restart the mission.


v1.2.0, September 3, 2019:

  • Added a few escortees which were missed the first time around:
  • Mr. Sparks
  • Supply Crate in Thousand Cuts
  • Ol' Pukey

v1.1.0, August 18, 2019:

  • Changed Der Monstrositat to only have a 25x health boost by default, since UCP makes it a respawnable monster. The original 99999999x boost is still available as an option.

v1.0.0, August 14, 2019:

  • Initial public release
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