BL2 Quality of Life: General QoL - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Quality of Life: General QoL
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Always Active Friendship Gulag Searchlights, by Apocalyptech
Always Visible Urine, by Apocalyptech
Armored Deathtrap, by Kazy
ARPG Style Loot Beams, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Auto Sprint, by ZetaDaemon
Auto Trash / Favorite Items, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
BBBBAutoPickUp, by KuroPanther_M
Better Sanctuary Shooting Range - Version 1.2, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
BL1_Boundary_Turrets, by Natsu235
BL2 Container TimeSaver XL, by Apocalyptech
BL2 Improved Hyperion Stabilizers, by Apocalyptech
BL2 Invulnerable Escortees, by Apocalyptech
BL2 Mega TimeSaver XL, by Apocalyptech
BL2 Sorted Fast Travel, by Apocalyptech
Blocking Door Removal, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Character Commands, by AutumnWitch
Cleaner Maya visuals, by Maplestruck
Colored_Fibber_Barrels - BL2, by Natsu235
Compact Sanctuary, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Configurable Catch-A-Ride, by Apocalyptech
Configurable Vehicles, by FromDarkHell
Customizable Boosted Characters, by Aaron0000
Customizable Player Audio Muter, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Dahl SMG scope perfect clarity, by Maplestruck
DexiEridiumFix, by FromDarkHell
Dialog Remover, by FromDarkHell
Disable Pickup Equip and Down Suicide, by Checometer
DoT Presentation Renames, by Freya
double auto pickup range, by Ethel
Enemy name fixer, by LightChaosman
Fast Travel Portal Disabler - BL2, by FromDarkHell
FFS Dialog Remover, by ZetaDaemon
FFS Eridium Item pickup Fix, by PawnM0v3
Fragile Minecraft Blocks, by Apocalyptech
Free Raid Boss Cost, by Freya
Give Maliwan SMG sight reticle a dot, by Maplestruck
Global Changes, by Checometer
Gunless Unique Drop Sound Notifier, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Hide Undiscovered Missions, by AutumnWitch
ICanSeeAgain, by TheRealElysium
Inertia/Weapon Sway, by Juso
Keyboard_Commands - BL2, by Natsu235
Less Annoying Bane, by Orudeon
Less Blinding Damage Popups, by TheRealElysium
Less Death Cost, by AutumnWitch
Less Dumb Visuals v3.2.0, by Freya
LessBlindingFotFH, by theNocturni
Loot Despawner - Version 3.0, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Manufacturer Sorted Vending Machines, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
More Vehicles, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
no BAR skin rewards, by Ethel
No Crushers in Lair of Infinite Agony, by Apocalyptech
No Damage Numbers, by ZetaDaemon
No Death Cost, by AutumnWitch
No Mimics, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
No More Knocking, by Apocalyptech
No Respec Cost - BL2, by AutumnWitch
No Self Damage, by AutumnWitch
NoDamageNumbers, by LightChaosman
NoMoreEnemyBulletReflection, by Aaron0000
Not as Bane-ful, by Kazy
Quicker Shop Resets, by AutumnWitch
Reborn - Gunless Unique Drop Sound Notifier, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Rendered Cutscene Disabler, by FromDarkHell
Respawning Enemies And Allies - BL2, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Respawning Loot, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Shield Capacity Buff Uncapper, by HypeRabbit
Shock and AUGH, by AutumnWitch
ShockinglyClear, by AutumnWitch
Shorter Dexi Delay, by ZetaDaemon
Shorter Fast Travel Waiting Time v1.0.0 - BL2, by Astor
slipless_crit, by Kazy
Swordsplosion Fix, by Kieitrio
Throw Grenades in FFYL, by AutumnWitch
Trailer Trashing Always Counts as Night, by Apocalyptech
TVHM Scaling Fix For Headhunters and FFS, by temmmmy
Unlocked My Kingdom for a Wand, by Apocalyptech
Various Audio Fixes, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Viewmodel, by Juso
Wildlife Preservation Fewer Injured Loaders, by Apocalyptech
yOuCaNtCaLlDiBsOnHuNtInGhUnDrEdSoFvAuLtS, by Siggles
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