CLFAC - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: Yaksher

Last Updated: June 11, 2019

In Categories: Shotguns

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Description (from inside mod)

Made by Yaksher!
Replaces the Butcher with the Concentrated Laser Fire Auto Cannon (CLFAC).
Uses Butcher skin from the Patch (made by Dave Rabbit).
• Unique rotating firing pattern.
• Awesome lasers.
• Cool skin/model
• Interesting ammo mechanic mimicking Eridian weapons from BL1.
Version 1.1 Changelog:
• Made Vertical Grip Accessory do nothing and not spawn
(existing Butchers with it will not be sanity checked)
• Created an ammo system attempting similar to BL1 Eridian weapons.
(high and fixed magazine size equal to fixed ammo capacity, near-zero reload, and high ammo regen)
• Replaced the barrel mesh with E-Tech
(option for Hyperion avalible with FilterTool; does not affect function).
• Increased fire rate for visual reasons (making it stronger for now).
• Magazine size, ammo capacity, and projectile count should be unaffected by anything
(In thoery this is skills and relics and what not. Untested.
Grog effect fairly likely to still work)
• Removed bouncing effect because it causes lag and doesn't fit the theme.
It is currently unfinished, future changes including but not limited to:
• Animate E-Tech flaps.
• Possibly remake ammo system again.
• Balancing stats (currently, damage has not been altered compared to a Butcher,
but the firerate has been massively increased
and the pellet count has been buffed as well, so it is rather powerful)
• (Possible) Making it multi-element or fixing the element.
• (Possible) Visual changes to projectiles.
• (Unlikely) Figuring out how to fix a bug caused by the base railgun firing mode with projectiles not coming out of the barrel in 3rd person
• More changes likely not thought of yet.
• E-Tech snipers (and anything else that uses the Railgun firing mode)
(at the moment, projectiles will cycle through the firing pattern of the laser cannon,
meaning you could in theory still use it, but it would be difficult to hit your shots).
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