TPS Expanded Legendary Pools - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

TPS Expanded Legendary Pools

Author: Apocalyptech

Last Updated: August 21, 2019

In Categories: Loot System Overhauls

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This mod adds all legendary items across DLCs into the global legendary loot pools, and by default adds all uniques and glitch uniques into the legendary pools, too. This applies to weapons, grenade mods, class mods, shields, and oz kits. These additions can be disabled/configured easily.

To compensate for the increased number of items which are available in the legendary pools, this mod also doubles the chances of those drops, by default. An optional configuration section can be used to revert those rates to the standard drop rates, or set them to drop three times as often, instead.

This mod was basically taken straight out of TPS Better Loot, though there are a few functional differences. This mod will not play nicely with Better Loot, or my Cold Dead Hands mod, for that matter! Those mods already improve the loot drops in their own ways, and having this mod on top will result in undefined behavior.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

TPS Expanded Legendary Pools v1.0.1
by Apocalyptech
Licensed under Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal

Various legendary loot pool alterations.  First, all legendaries from
across DLCs are added to the legendary pools, and then a series of
optional categories can add all uniques and glitch uniques into those
pools as well.

Don't use this with TPS Better Loot or TPS Cold Dead Hands!


v1.0.1, August 21, 2019:

  • Added the Heart Breaker as a potential legendary shotgun

v1.0.0, July 27, 2018:

  • Initial public release
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