Paparazzi - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: GoldenGizzmo
Last Updated: January 19, 2018
In Categories: Assault Rifles
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Created by GoldenGizzmo
Replaces the Seeker
Basically a buff to the Seeker, making the weapon more unique
Has terrible acuracy but shoots 3 shots at once
The goal is to show off the homing feature
Deals more damage
Slower firerate
Now deals grendade damage
A picture
The Seeker had potential to be really cool, however it really just felt like a Torgue assault rifle that hits thing that you were already aiming at.
The Paparazzi shows off the homing power of the bullets, having the weapon rely on them, but rewarding with much higher damage.
Intead of the blue and silver skin, the weapon has a goldish-yellow skin to help the weapon stand out on it's own.
The weapon is effective at long ranges, but suffers at mid and close ranges.
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