Tanto - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: CzRSpecV
Last Updated: August 25, 2017
In Categories: Pistols
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| Created by CzRSpecV |
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| Turns the Infinity into the Tanto |
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Infinity > Tanto
25% Lifesteal
150% Melee Damage
15% Move Speed Increase
Slag Splash Damage
Locked into a Blade and Impact only
This will delete any existing Infinity Pistols.
Below is the Gibbed Code to spawn in the correct version.
Gibbed Code: BL2(hwAAAACR+ACE5wRACgGF6sNohYEQwwHG/38JGB4wMGAoxKiBgRHj)
This mod also slightly alters the Chulainn
Any mod that changes the Chulainn will conflict with this
It also changes the Bayonet Prefix for Vladof Pistols from Patriot's to Tapered
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