BL2 Weapons Gear: Pistols - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Weapons/Gear: Pistols
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88 Fragnum, by Aaron0000
88_Fragnum, by Natsu235
Adds Grenade Damage to Lil Evie, by johnrr6
Adrenaline Rush, by Dr Dapper
Anaconda, by Kazy
Anaconda, by Aaron0000
Annunaki, by EdamameTV
Another Spiker Mod V1.0c by Orudeon, by Orudeon
Aries - BL2, by Aaron0000
Aurel, by HolyHades
Banana Cannon, by EdamameTV
Better E-Tech Pistols, by Battle-Bee
Bombardment, by Kieitrio
brokeninfinityV3, by Greem
ChimeraV2, by CzRSpecV
Clipper - BL2, by Aaron0000
CrappyFarter, by MagicGonads
Cyber Eagle, by Aaron0000
dahlmBUFF, by koreakid02
Defiler - BL2, by Aaron0000
Defiler - BL2, by Juso
Devastator Fix, by Kazy
DevastatorRedone, by Greem
Discipline, by Aaron0000
DOOM, by ozay3444
Dove, by Kazy
Dove, by EdamameTV
Dracula, by silverxpenguin
Duke3DDevastatorV3, by Ugyuu
ElementalHornets, by Xarathos517
eTech Infinity, by Kazy
Explodinator, by silverxpenguin
Fastball Launcher, by HolyHades
Fatal Attraction, by EdamameTV
Firehawk, by Aaron0000
Firehawk, by EdamameTV
Firestarter, by EdamameTV
Fortis, by Kieitrio
Fuhrerous, by Tsunami
G18, by silverxpenguin
Gemini, by Kazy
Gizzmo, by GoldenGizzmo
GodlyStarter, by MagicGonads
Gunshow - BL2, by Aaron0000
Hades, by EdamameTV
Handcannon, by Kazy
HandCannon, by NIKITAzed
Handkanone, by Tsunami
Hard Reboot, by Aaron0000
Hecc - Gear-Dependant Shotgun, by Kazy
HexagonHarold (from HexagonHarold), by Yaksher
HexagonHarold (from Stretched Hexagon Harold), by Yaksher
Honest Fibbers - BL2, by Aaron0000
Hyperion Surprise, by kunelsanders
Infinity Beyond - BL2, by Aaron0000
Infinity2, by NIKITAzed
Invader, by EdamameTV
Irradiator, by ItsCoolDood
Jakobs Unkempt Harold, by EdamameTV
Jumpstarter, by EdamameTV
Jurisdiction, by Dashiku
Killer Bee, by Kieitrio
Knife, by ozay3444
Knoxx's Gold, by Kazy
Laser Pistols V1.0a by Orudeon, by Orudeon
lAy'Sr, by Mintbloke
LexPrime, by CzRSpecV
Lil Evie Buff, by johnrr6
Locked, by Dashiku
Luck Cannon, by Aaron0000
Luminesence, by VoidRose
Mashers - BL2, by Aaron0000
Medic [Infection replacement], by Laminatesnow
Mesa, by EdamameTV
MIRValous, by EdamameTV
Mustang & Sally V2, by Kieitrio
Mystery, by Tsunami
Nemesis, by Aaron0000
Omohundro, by EdamameTV
Optic Surgery, by EdamameTV
partyporter, by Ethel
patch (from Heist.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patch (from Lotus.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patch (from Pop.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patch (from Riposte.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patch (from Stylo.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
PDW[Devastator Replacement], by Laminatesnow
Peacekeeper, by Dr Dapper
Pepperbox Projectile Multiplier, by Checometer
Pistol Double Accessory Tweaks, by SentySent
PistolsRedoneV1, by FabledSaiko
Plasma Pistols, by Aaron0000
PocketKnife, by Tofu
PocketVacuum, by Tofu
Poindexter, by EdamameTV
Poison, by VoidRose
Powerhouse, by Juso
Predator, by Kazy
Probe, by Natsu235
Protagonist - Very Rare Hyperion Pistol, by Kazy
Psychodelia, by EdamameTV
Reaper - BL2, by Aaron0000
Reaper(WIP), by VoidRose
Revolvers - BL2, by Aaron0000
Rib Tycoon, by GoldenGizzmo
Rose, by CzRSpecV
RussianSpy v1, by VariantLoki
Sal's a Rightie, by Kazy
Salt Cannon, by vWolvenn
SaltLake, by Xarathos517
Scorcher, by AxxroyTovu
Shooty Explodey, by FromDarkHell
Slaggie, by EdamameTV
Sledge's Masher, by EdamameTV
Smasher, by Aaron0000
SpaceCowboy, by Dashiku
Squirt Gun, by EdamameTV
Stinger Four-Walls Rebouncing v1.0.0, by Astor
Stungun, by Dashiku
Superiority, by Juso
Synergizer - BL2, by Aaron0000
T4s-R, by Aaron0000
T4s-R, by ozay3444
Tanto, by CzRSpecV
Teapot Remastered, by Aaron0000
The Fast Fast Traveler By ShadeFox-Sumo, by ShadeFox-Sumo
The Infinitisation++, by Tsunami
TheMagic, by ozay3444
TheTerminator, by ozay3444
Thor, by The_Wanderer_2.0
Thousand_Bees, by smithxn
Thunderball Fists Buff, by johnrr6
Torgue_Pulverizer, by Battle-Bee
Troll, by Kazy
Unforgiven, by xilph3718
Unforgiven, by EdamameTV
Unforgiven Masher, by silverxpenguin
UnlockTeapot, by Xarathos517
Vegeance, by PulchraMors
Vengeance & Mashers, by Kazy
Violator - BL2, by Aaron0000
Vladimir Putin, by Tsunami
Wasp, by Zatara
Wasp, by Juso
Welrod, by EdamameTV
Why?, by FromDarkHell
windstar, by ozay3444
WingBoy, by AxxroyTovu
X-23 (Law), by B33PB00PJOE
Ye Oldy Getting Around Pistol, by Dashiku
YippeeKiYay, by AutumnWitch
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