BL2 Audio and Visual: Text Changes - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Audio and Visual: Text Changes
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- AGLLoader, by GoldenGizzmo
- Atlas AllegianceCOMs Fix, by Elfy
- BL2 Sorted Fast Travel, by Apocalyptech
- Booperlands, by mopioid
- Crossfire_Fuse_Time, by Natsu235
- DoT Presentation Renames, by Freya
- Enemy name fixer, by LightChaosman
- Hellfire (rename), by Maplestruck
- I Never Square (Swear), by Facade
- Legendary Catgirl (legendary cat rename), by Maplestruck
- S&S AllegianceCOMs Fix, by Elfy
- Shadow of the Seraphs red text typo fix, by Maplestruck
- Slow Hand (new red text), by Maplestruck
- Slur Removal, by Sunsh1neRae
- Text Fixes, by apple1417
- The Red Text Inconsistency Patch, by Kazy
- Yellow_Jacket_Red_Text_[FR], by Natsu235