Pocket Money - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

Pocket Money

Author: GoldenGizzmo

Last Updated: July 14, 2018

In Categories: Shields

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Description (from inside mod)

Created by GoldenGizzmo

Replaces the Sponge (will sadly be missed)
A version of the Sham that focuses on the ammo side over defense
Much lower stats to be slightly better than the Sham
The absorb chance is boosted, but not close to sham level (highest I've seen is 63%)
New ammo regeneration that applys to all players while equipped (no rockets or grenade, use Big Boom Blaster)
Can spawn with Maliwan capacitors

A picture

I have no clue what the creators of Borderlands were thinking when they made the Sponge.
It's a seraph, seraphs should be high tier.
Since the shield meta is very tight, I made the Pocket Money have it's own use away from the others.
It's mainly a utility shield, which plays along side the Big Boom Blaster.
During combat, it's not that great, however during downtimes of combat, it's a nice bonus to refill on ammo.

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