BL2 Weapons Gear: Rocket Launchers - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Weapons/Gear: Rocket Launchers
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- Acid_Rain, by smithxn
- Acid_Rainv2, by smithxn
- AtomicMortar, by Tsunami
- BadassasaurusRex, by Greem
- Berrigan, by Aaron0000
- BL10, by Malafolf Mom
- BL2 Faster Rockets and Gyrojets, by Apocalyptech
- BL2 Happy Horizontal People Transporter, by Apocalyptech
- Burst-Fire Rockets - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Carpet Cleaner, by silverxpenguin
- chopperhopper, by Laxlife
- Commando2, by GoldenGizzmo
- Conflagration, by Dashiku
- CrisisManagement, by Dashiku
- Crusher, by EdamameTV
- D-BFG 15k, by Sku11k1d1998
- Dripper, by EdamameTV
- ErrorCode, by CzRSpecV
- Ersatz, by EdamameTV
- Gjallarhorn, by VoidRose
- Homing Missile Pod Zoomy, by Tsunami
- IncredibleHulk v2, by VariantLoki
- KaBAM![Ahab Replacement], by Laminatesnow
- kaneda, by Tofu
- Kaneda's Laser, by Aaron0000
- Keraphobia, by Kazy
- Koffee, by GoldenGizzmo
- KrustyKraw, by GoldenGizzmo
- Leviathan, by EdamameTV
- LongGun, by Tsunami
- M00NSH0T, by ozay3444
- M00NSH0T(NoneCrushing), by ozay3444
- Maliwan Photon Cannon, by Kazy
- MortarMKII, by Tsunami
- Nidhogg, by theNocturni
- NUK3R, by Reclaimer Shawn
- Nuka-Nuke, by Hemaxhu
- patch (from D20.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
- patch (from Moment.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
- Quaker - BL2, by Aaron0000
- RedoneVladofRL, by CzRSpecV
- Rickettsia, by EdamameTV
- RoasterJumper, by Edvartsen
- Rocket Barrel "Rework", by Kazy
- Rocket_BL1_Beta, by B33PB00PJOE
- RYNO - BL2, by EdamameTV
- RYNO V, by EdamameTV
- Shock Rocket, by EdamameTV
- SuicideGun, by Reclaimer Shawn
- Teelfron, by silverxpenguin
- The Neutron Star Launcher, by Tsunami
- The Party Pooper, by Tsunami
- TheBoogyBlastAndTheZaeden Blaster, by ozay3444
- TheSpaceWeapon, by ozay3444
- Thunderclap, by EdamameTV
- Vladof_Warmonger, by Battle-Bee
- Wardcliff Coil, by Alex