ARPG Style Loot Beams - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Last Updated: May 02, 2019
In Categories: General A/V Settings, General QoL
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Mod wriiten by GitHub: Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell / Nexus Mods: OB4MA
This is a silly mod that allows big ass loot beams to stretch all the way to Elpis to let you know an item dropped somewhere.
These beams are extremely tall and deep, but are not very wide, so they shouldn't be too blinding.
There is no way (currently) for me to make certain rarities not have crazy beams like everything else.
Preset Category
[1] Loot Beam + Item Type Icon + Item Card - due to limitations in what I can do, all item cards for lootable items are now high up in the air so that you can see them across the map.
This will require you to get up close to a beam and look up to see the exact details of an item though. For whatever reason, I cannot assign different heights to the item type icon and the item card.
[2] Loot Beam Only - no item type icon change or item card change, the only thing modified are the loot beam sizes.
[3] Cheat Mode - allows you to see and pickup loot beam items from across the map, so no need for walking. Has the same issues as [1].
Custom Category
This allows you to override specific parts of presets if you have one selected, or it allows you to create a custom preset.
I added some options for most, but if you really want to edit, you will have to mess around and figure it out.
Gunless Unique Item Sound Notifier
This mod is included to simulate special drop sounds for specific items in ARPG games.
For example, if the Bee drops you will hear (if close enough) a specified sound such as "Come on, baby, you know you want it" play once it hits the floor.
I did update this mod to add new sound options (which are a PAIN to find) as well as a new way to create particles when specific item drops.
For example, you can now have the chance for a nuclear explosion to go off with Tiny Tina yelling "Make it raaaaain!" when a specified item drops.
Unfortunately, these particle effects do not always appear for some unknown reason.
Only use one or the other.
Reborn - Gunless Unique Item Sound Notifier
Exactly the same as the normal one, it just has stuff renamed to the "new" items from Reborn.
Only use one or the other.