Item Part Notifier for BL2 Reborn - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Ezeith
Last Updated: July 17, 2019
In Categories: UI QoL Changes
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Built by Ezeith and Kalli.
Big thanks to original author of Part Notifier, FromDarkHell, for letting us adapt the mod for Reborn.
This mod is only intended to be uses when imported in Reborn. It will not work otherwise.
Item Part Notifier lets you identify what parts each and everyone one of your weapons have and display them in the item card.
The specified checkboxes NEED to be checked in order for Item Part Notifier to work.
Green text are positive effects. Red texts are negative effects. Stocks have hidden matching bonuses. Check the wiki for more details.
Pistol sights have hidden matching bonuses. Check the wiki for more details.
If you notice any bugs, report them on the nexus page or directly to Kalli or Ezeith on the BL2 Reborn Discord Server.
NOTE: Pistol accessory: Double / Masher have one of the two effects, depending on the manufacturer. They don't have both.