TinglingSensation - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: AutumnWitch

Last Updated: July 04, 2020

In Categories: SMGs

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Moxxi is at it again with a shockingly good time. Make sure to stay grounded in reality, however. The Tingling Sensation can be seen here.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

Tingling Sensation
Tingling Sensation
Replaces the Chulain
Now applies a self shock DoT, but has better damage and mag
Heals you for self damage as well as damage to enemies
Elementally unlocked! Can be any element + shock
Requires the Valentines HeadHunter Pack
Now drops from The Goliath Couple
Moxxi got the Newly Weds some of her own 'custom guns'
The Couple can also drop other Moxxi Weapons (no grog)
Created by AutumnWitch



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