Loot Radar - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Last Updated: June 02, 2019
In Categories: UI QoL Changes
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Mod written by GitHub: Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell / Nexus Mods: OB4MA
This mod adds a $ icon to every selected container in this file, with a custom title and description when viewed in the map. This is the only option as it is the only one loaded everywhere.
This allows you to find all sorts of hidden chests and stuff that are nearby to you.
These icons will stay until you leave the map (must get within range again if you disable an option) or loot them.
So that means that you will not have issues with finding already looted containers!
By default, Midget Containers do not outright say what they are, instead, I went to some effort to make them have a variety of names and descriptions.
There is now an option to display exactly what the container is and what type of Midget it may contain (Hyperion or Midget).
This mod does NOT work off host. So that means that it will only work if you are hosting and using this mod.
This mod works properly for clients if the host AND the client use this mod with the SAME text changes to Midget containers.
This mod will make icons appear on the minimap and map if ONLY the host is using it, however, they will be empty icons for the client.