Moneyshot Fix - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: ZetaDaemon
Last Updated: February 17, 2022
In Categories: Bugfixes, Salvador Changes
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This mod finally fixes Money Shot! Yes thats right it's fixed, but you will need to install Python SDK and Command Extentions. Moneyshot now correctly checks for the mag size being less than 10 meaning it now also has the proper damage per level, as well as the damage for each hand is only checking the magazine size for the weapon in that hand, no more abusing jakobs shotguns in the offhand by having the grog in the mainhand, but now your offhand weapon doesn't have to get punished by the mag size of your main hand weapon.
Licensed under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Fixes up moneyshot to now only look at the proper hand for the last shot damage bonus and use the proper attribute for the minimum mag size.
Requires Command Extentions and Python SDK