BL1 Style Rarity - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Aaron0000
Last Updated: July 12, 2019
In Categories: General A/V Settings
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By Aaron0000
Completely overhauls the rarity system.
Each rarity now has three shades indicating loot quality (lighter, medium, darker). Weapon and Item parts will affect the rarity to varying degrees (generally speaking, the better the part (excluding grips), the more it affects rarity.)
Rarity order is White, Green, Blue, Purple, E-Tech, Gemstone (Unofficial Community Patch), E-Tech Gemstones (for use with the Gemstone E-Techs/Special Weapons mod), Uniques (Color is Pre-Sequel's oxygen canister rarity color), Moxxi (optional), Ancient relic rarity, Legendary, Seraph, Pearlescent, Gemstone Unique, Gemstone Legendary, and Gemstone Seraph (all three for use with the Gemstone E-Techs/Special Weapons mod).
Override options - Overwrite the rarity of any item with either Unique, E-Tech, Legendary, Seraph, or Pearlescent. Meaning you can get almost any modded weapon/item to be the appropriate rarity without worrying about issues cropping up (unless it mods "BaseRarity" instead of "rarity"). Be sure to load this mod after all of the mods you use that mod weapons/items for the overrides to work properly.
Easy to adjust the colors - Just look in the "Rarity Breakdown" for clues on what colors what thing.
Options for mint money and "Moxxi" rarity items (Pulled from Koby's Rarity Color Fix. Thanks Koby.)
Options for only allowing Legendary/Ancient/Seraph/Pearl and their gemstone variants to have the multiple shades of color for rarity.
Options for fixing the rarity of my "Slayer of Crawmerax/Slayer of the Seraph skin COMs" at the bottom, as well as instructions for doing the same for other skin/head COMs.
Be sure to disable the Unofficial Community Patch's Gemstone rarity thing, this mod not compatible with it.
To fix a few misc. items, hotfixes were required. Be sure to merge this file with your main patch file using the Borderlands Community Mod Manager (BLCMM).
If you're using BL2 Hybrids, there's a fix for the gear that had their rarity changed in "Overrides for Items in Mods". It also makes the pearl/seraph hybrids no longer be rainbow, but their own hybrid rarities. Same with some of the Legendary hybrids, they get their own rarity now.