TPS Container TimeSaver XL - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki

TPS Container TimeSaver XL

Author: Apocalyptech

Last Updated: November 14, 2019

In Categories: Chest and Container Changes, General QoL

Download Methods

Link to Mod File
(right click and "Save Link As")
View on Github
(after clicking on a mod, right click on "Raw" or
"Download," and then "Save Link As")


NOTE: This mod is considered deprecated now, because all of its functionality has been folded into my "TPS Mega TimeSaver XL" mod instead. You'll probably be happier using that mod instead!

Are you a busy, on-the-go Vault Hunter who just doesn't have the time for such luxuries as waiting for loot chests to open? Are those Hyperion weapon crates leaving you tapping your watch and sneaking glances at your day calendar? Is the hunt for more ammo filling you with near-terminal waves of impatience?

Well, fret no longer! This mod increases the opening animations of all containers in TPS by 5x.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

TPS Container TimeSaver XL v1.0.1
by Apocalyptech
Licensed under Public Domain / CC0 1.0 Universal

Speeds up opening of all containers in the game by 5x

NOTE: This mod is considered obsolete now, since it has been
folded into my bigger "TPS Mega TimeSaver XL" mod.  You'll
probably be happier using that mod instead!


v1.0.1 - November 14, 2019

  • Marked as deprecated, in favor of TPS Mega TimeSaver XL

v1.0.0 - August 17, 2018

  • Initial Release
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️