RiseOfTheSeraphs - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: GoldenGizzmo
Last Updated: June 11, 2019
In Categories: Packs
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Rise Of The Seraphs Created by GoldenGizzmo
This mod is a seraph overhaul that aims to bring a fresh experience to the late game, replacing gear I thought were uncreative or underwhelming, with my own gear and even featuring some special guests too.
NOTE: This mod uses hotfixes, you must add this as a mod in filter tool for the drops to work.
IMPORTANT: Since the 4.1 Patch, you will need to disable the Afterburner buff under UCP 4.1/GearChanges/Relics. Because of the changes from the patch, it will mess with the Monster of the Serahps physcial look, however it still functions the same.