Ghostrider (from Ghostrider.txt) - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: WarMocK

Last Updated: July 22, 2018

In Categories: Shields

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Description (from inside mod)

Mod author: WarMocK
Release Date: 06-19-2018
Last Update: 07-22-2018
Version: 1.3.0
Converts the Whiskey Tango Foxtrott into the Jakobs Ghostrider shield.
Makes bayonets on sniper rifles more usable by both buffing their damage and applying the lifesteal effect of the Law piostol and Order shield.
The Law pistol now deals 125 % more melee damage, has more OOmph per bullet, and spawns with a stock (can be disables). Oh, and it looks more badass now :D
Heart of the Ancients now features the cooldown reduction from the Proficiency relic instead of the HP boost after FFYL
Shield Features:
- No shield capacity.
- Additional roid damage.
- High damage resistance.
- Provides lifesteal when dealing melee damage with either the Law pistol or a sniper rifle equipped with a bayonet.
- Spawns as a Jakobs shield instead of Dahl.
- Additionally, all bayonets on sniper rifles deal 100 % more melee damage instead of just 50 %
- Jakobs barrels increase melee damage by 25 %
- Jakobs Citrine skin increases melee damage by 15 %
- The Elephant Gun now also increases melee damage by 85 %
- The Trespasser now also increases melee damage by 40 %
Gibbed codes (OP 8):
- The Law: BL2(hwAAAAA2twCHRwJABgGFQsOIhRENQwHG/////9Iw/v9Pw4hAgg3j)
- Best version of the Ghost Rider: BL2(BwAAAADzQAkUEV6gYxBQqAFEBAQIxFXE/////////79VxP8/WsQ=)
* Aaron000 for listing the necessary attributes of the Law blade and the Order shield effect in the Law&OrderedUp mod (for the record: they can also be found in the title definition of the Law and the special delta accessory of the Order, in case anyone wants to have a look at how it works ;-))
* Apacalyptech for helping me out with the coding and understanding how some of the stuff I had to do actually works
* Exotek for pointing me in the right direction for the hotfix which makes the Kunai deal no damage.
* the entire UCP team for making modding on BL 2 possible in the first place :)
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