SheePack - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Kazy
Last Updated: June 27, 2019
In Categories: Packs
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Note: This readme is a work in progress, and will be updated with more info as time progresses.
Introducing the SheePack!
A collection of custom weapons and sheilds, with future updates adding additional gear, created by Kazy (KazySheep).
A full download can be found in the main section of this folder, while if you'd rather, you can also individually download each piece of gear. Note that the gear is designed with the intention of working best alongside each other rather than individually.
Note: If gear location is unmentioned, then drop location has not changed.
by Kazy
A collection of weapons and shields made with the intention of being played alongside each other.
Note: Makes use of Aaron's FiringMode-Free-er-Upper resource for some gear (with permission).