BL2 Weapons Gear: Shotguns - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Weapons/Gear: Shotguns
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- 'Merica - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Accreate Shotty Boolets, by Akathris
- Adds Grenade Damage to Slow Hand, by johnrr6
- Air Strike, by EdamameTV
- Amaterasu, by Yhorm
- Antique Ballbuster, by EdamameTV
- Arrowstorm Dispenser 1.7.10, by Tsunami
- Assault Shotguns - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Aster, by HolyHades
- Averse Collaboration - Elemental Hyperion Shotgun, by Kazy
- Backhand - BL2, by Aaron0000
- BaronofHell, by Sku11k1d1998
- Beckett, by Lftstrafe
- Beckett's' Flame Cannon, by kunelsanders
- beeholder, by Mohl97
- benwaV2, by Laxlife
- Better Splatguns V1.4c by Orudeon, by Orudeon
- BFB, by AxxroyTovu
- BFC, by Ugyuu
- Bianca, by Kazy
- BL1 Style Classic Jakob ShotgunsV1, by NB55NB
- Blowjobs, by NIKITAzed
- Blunderbuss, by SmotPokin42000
- Blunderbuss, by Juso
- BNK3R, by Reclaimer Shawn
- BNK3RNOP, by Reclaimer Shawn
- Boomacorn, by Aaron0000
- Broomstick, by silverxpenguin
- Bull, by MegaCyber151
- Bullpup, by Aaron0000
- Business Maker, by Juso
- Butcher, by EdamameTV
- ButcherRocketJump, by Greem
- Capacitor, by GoldenGizzmo
- Classic Sledge's Shotgun - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Cleaver, by Greem
- CLFAC, by Yaksher
- Company Man, by Aaron0000
- Compensator, by kunelsanders
- Crux, by Kazy
- Crux - Replaces Dog, by EdamameTV
- Defender, by Kazy
- Defender, by Tsunami
- Demon's_Bow, by VoidRose
- Destruction, by Juso
- Dominator, by EdamameTV
- ErnestV2, by Ugyuu
- Evergreen, by Rhysand
- Executioner, by Malafolf Mom
- Face-puncher, by Aaron0000
- FAT STACKS, by Laxlife
- Felicity's Shotgun, by Tsunami
- Flakker, by Juso
- Friendly Fire, by Aaron0000
- FyreFeind, by Dashiku
- GhaltV2, by Ugyuu
- Glass Cannon, by EdamameTV
- God of Thunder v4, by VariantLoki
- Grenade Launcher & Kerblaster, by Hemaxhu
- GrenadeLuncher, by ozay3444
- Gun?, by FromDarkHell
- HAL, by 00Schmidt
- HAL 9001, by EdamameTV
- Hammer - BL2, by Aaron0000
- HeartStopper, by AutumnWitch
- Heavy Shotguns - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Hekk, by Kazy
- Hellwalker, by Aaron0000
- Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1 (from Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1.1), by NB55NB
- Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1 (from Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1.1 includes Uniques), by NB55NB
- Killbot, by Dashiku
- Kraken, by EdamameTV
- Landscaper, by WarMocK
- Landscaper No Self-Damage v1.0.0, by Astor
- Laser Disker, by Aaron0000
- Mam - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Marxist - Unique Double-Tap Shotgun, by Kazy
- Minefield, by EdamameTV
- MisterMcshotty, by Tsunami
- Moonface, by Aaron0000
- Nemesis, by Sku11k1d1998
- New Gun, by EdamameTV
- Newfoundlands, by AutumnWitch
- Night Striker, by DarkFirePVP
- One Pump Chump, by Aaron0000
- OokaTikiOokaTiki, by ozay3444
- Ororo (Commerce), by B33PB00PJOE
- Outsourced Development, by Jejjo
- PartyLine V1, by MegaCyber151
- patch (from Flimsy.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
- patch (from Thunderstruck.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
- patch (from Wasteland.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
- patch (from Western.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
- patch - BL2, by R34KT0R
- Penance (Teeth of Terra Replacer), by Freya
- Pile O' F*ck, by Kazy
- Plague, by Kazy
- Plasma_Cutter, by VoidRose
- Plus, by soze
- Praetor, by WarMocK
- Punter - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Rainfall, by CzRSpecV
- Reaper'sShotguns, by Blockier
- rocketjump, by 00Schmidt
- Sandstorm, by EdamameTV
- Satan's Shit, by EdamameTV
- Select Fire, by EdamameTV
- Signature - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Sledge's Shotgun, by EdamameTV
- Sledgehammer - BL2, by NIKITAzed
- Slowhand, by Aaron0000
- Slug Shotguns - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Slugger, by EdamameTV
- Sneezy Peezy, by GoldenGizzmo
- Spazz, by Aaron0000
- Speed-Boosting Shotgun Accessory - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Splitters, by Aaron0000
- Strax, by Zma
- Striker 2.0, by silverxpenguin
- Striker 3.0, by silverxpenguin
- Super Shotgun, by Tsunami
- Swarm, by silverxpenguin
- SwarmV2, by ozay3444
- SwitchIt, by GoldenGizzmo
- Swordsplosion, by Rhysand
- SwordsplosionV2, by Greem
- T2000-Concept, by Tsunami
- Tediore Barrel Carnage Shotguns, by Ugyuu
- The [Name], by ozay3444
- The Barrier Defender MKII, by Tsunami
- The Fat Bitch, by 00Schmidt
- The Steel Meridian's Hekk-of-a Bundle, by Kazy
- The Trumphiator Mortar MKIII, by Tsunami
- TheChayad, by ozay3444
- TheShootingStar, by ozay3444
- TigrisPrime, by CzRSpecV
- TooScoops, by Lftstrafe
- TwisterCorrosive, by KuroPanther_M
- TwisterFire, by KuroPanther_M
- TwisterSlag, by KuroPanther_M
- Vendetta, by EdamameTV
- Vertical Grip Fix - BL2, by Aaron0000
- Viral_Marketer, by Natsu235
- Viral_Marketer (all elements), by Natsu235
- Weapon X (Triqueta), by B33PB00PJOE
- WTFG, by ozay3444