Class Mods Redux - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Aaron0000
Last Updated: July 08, 2019
In Categories: COMs
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By Aaron0000
Modifies a large number of class mods to be more balanced, fitting, specialized, or otherwise interesting. Also enables all purple class mods to have a small chance of spawning as a Legendary version, if it is level 50 or higher.
Due to how I rigged the prefixes and names, it is likely you will see incomplete names displayed below the EXP bar and underneath a partner's hud. This isn't fixable.
Given how ALL purple coms have a chance to spawn as Legendary now, there are a few that would essentially be duplicates of the already existing Legendary coms. The standard Legendary COMs (other than the Terramorphous COMs) have had "Genuine" added to their title to distinguish them. The modded ones also tend to be slightly worse than the genuine ones.
If using my Allegiance COMs, load them after this mod to have the Allegiance COMs overwrite most Tiny Tina COMs other than Chaotic Evil.
Any mod that adds individual skins to the Tina class mods will override the skin changes of the Legendary specialization part. Either disable those skin changes to allow Legendary recoloring on Tina COMs, or don't.
If using the BLassic mod (Borderlands Classic), load this mod after BLassic and activate the "BLassic fixes" at the bottom of the file.
Credit and thanks to Sir Umnei for his UI stuff.