Demon - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: HolyHades
Last Updated: November 21, 2017
In Categories: SMGs
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by HolyHades
Breaks Non-Elemental Sand Hawk
Replaces the Hellfire
Adapts the element to the enemy (e.g. if you shoot a loader, it will do corrosive Damage.)
Gets full Bee Amp Damage (the unlisted Projectiles)
Modified the adaptive Bullets from Dashiku's Shikurian
Took the awesome skin from Kieitrio's Revamped Hellfire
Use a Non-Elemental Hellfire, else it won't work
Gibbed Code: BL2(hwAAAADs7wBDKANBEAGFrmIxwYKLJQELC5b//xRY/v/nYvnBIozl)
Weapon Attributes and Description