BL2 Other: Bugfixes - BLCM/ModCabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Other: Bugfixes
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- Bad_&_Good_Touch_Rarity, by Natsu235
- Bonerfart Quest Fix, by Ethel
- Breath_&_Blood_of_Terra_Rarity, by Natsu235
- Correct E-Tech Launcher Material., by Shadowevil
- Crossfire_Fuse_Time, by Natsu235
- Dahl SMG scope perfect clarity, by Maplestruck
- Enemy lootpool adjuster, by LightChaosman
- FFS Eridium Item pickup Fix, by PawnM0v3
- Fight_for_Sanctuary_Weapons, by Natsu235
- Gemstone Loot Pools by Orudeon, by Orudeon
- Gunzerker - offhand amp fix, by LightChaosman
- Love_Thumper_&_Deadly_Bloom_Skins, by Natsu235
- Moneyshot Fix, by ZetaDaemon
- no more permaslag, by Ethel
- patch (from fixUCPerrors.blcm) - BL2, by 55tumbl
- patch (from fixVoracHyperiusHealth.blcm) - BL2, by 55tumbl
- Pete Loot Pool Fixer, by Freya
- Physx Fix - Execute only in main menu, by Hemaxhu
- Salvador_Lay_Waste_Skill_[EN], by Natsu235
- Seraph Vendor Compat Fix, by Ethel
- Shadow of the Seraphs red text typo fix, by Maplestruck
- Skill Scaling Patch, by 55tumbl
- Text Fixes, by apple1417
- The Red Text Inconsistency Patch, by Kazy
- TVHM Scaling Fix For Headhunters and FFS, by temmmmy
- UHD_SR_Glowing_Textures, by Natsu235
- Various Audio Fixes, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
- Various Sal Fixes, by ZetaDaemon
- Yellow_Jacket_Red_Text_[FR], by Natsu235